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Thread describing how to use WWS?

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I have a friend who ordered WWS based on my recommendation from what I have read here on the forums. She said she is overwhelmed by it and doesn't think she can figure out how to use it. I have never actually seen it, so I am no help. She definitely is not a forge your own path homeschooler. She needs explicit directions on what to do every day. I thought WWS was very teacher supportive. Is that a correct assessment? Is there a thread I could direct her to that might help her figure out how to implement it successfully?

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Here is the big thread that used to be pinned, with SWB answering questions:




And here is the great thread Ruth started about how she/others adapt WWS:




If she goes to the first thread and clicks on the "writing with skill" tag, she will get a long page full of good WWS threads. But I think these two will get her started.


WWS does script for you exactly what you and your student should do each day.  Does she have the TM as well as the student manual?  It is quite explicit about what the student should be producing, what you should say, how you should asses (there is a rubric for each writing topic).

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If she has the TM (Instructor Text), it should be VERY straight forward. If she doesn't, she should order it, but her 'student' can still get started. If she only has the TM, I can see where she is confused. The TM doesn't include all the readings from the Student Text, so she'll need to order the Student Text.


The Instructor Text has an information section, an overview of the whole book, and then an overview of just the first section (narration/outlining). Then, it goes into Week 1, Day 1 -- and it copies the student instructions (but not the whole text & it doesn't include the student passage). After each section of instructions, it gives a "how to help the student" and includes some possible answers the kid will come up with. If the student is stuck, it gives questions to ask to prompt them to come up with their own answers.


In the Student Text, there is a page of 'general instructions.' It tells them to read the instructions (go slowly, don't skip steps, stop when you see a certain symbol & answer the question asked before going on, etc.). It tells them to get a three-ring notebook & divide it into six sections. Then, it, too, has an overview of what it is going to teach in the first section. Following that, it starts with Week 1, Day 1. It literally tells them what to do:  Read, Note Important Events (4-5 phrases or short sentences), and then combine those into two or three summary sentences. Done with Day 1.


The books are really thick, so they can be intimidating. However, the beginning, at least, is really straight forward. There are a few exercises in the middle/back of WWS1 that could use rewording/rewriting (details in the middle of one of those big threads), but your friend shouldn't have trouble getting started if she just sits down & reads the beginning.


Some Moms/kids find it helpful to read with a highlighter in hand. OhElizabeth has some threads on how she helped her eldest focus in on the important stuff because there is a LOT of text explaining things. If you are a bullet-point-learner, highlighting helps pull out the important stuff.

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