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Beast Academy 4


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What grade level equivalent is BA 4?  My boys are getting ready to start Math Mammoth 5 in September.  I'm wondering if I can also use BA 4 and what comes out of 5 this year and get a little something extra out of BA that they wouldn't get in MM.  Would it mostly be review or will some new concepts be taught in BA?  If that doesn't work, I make work more quickly through MM 5 and get through 6A.


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It's definitely fourth grade level math and will be teaching fourth grade algorithms and so forth. BUT... like all the Beast books, it's also going to teach stuff that there's no way they've been exposed to unless you've been doing serious supplementing. And it's going to push their understanding of that fourth grade math pretty far. So you can absolutely use it alongside MM5. I'd say about a quarter to maybe a third of it would be straight review - pretty easy. But the rest would be deepening review - like extra challenging problems or the like - or new information.

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My son is doing Math Mammoth 5 and we will be doing Beast Academy 4 along side it.  We used Beast Academy 3A and 3B a couple years ago when it first came out and I really liked it.  I know 4 is going to be a lot of review but BA was a very different way of looking at things and I think it will lead to a deeper understanding of the math involved.  My son is a pretty mathy kid where most things come very easily to him but BA made him slow down and have to actually think about what the questions were asking and work out the answers.  I want him to get into the habit of slowing down, reading questions carefully and take the time to think it through before he gets to higher level math.

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In our house, my ds uses BA alongside MEP. When we get to problems in topics that he has already seen in BA, I heavily redact them, just to check retention. My dd uses MM, and I would not hesitate to do the same thing. For my ds, BA won't be boring, even if the topic has been covered elsewhere.

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Thanks to all!  This is what I needed to hear -- I am sold! To Farrar and SusanC, I have twins also -- just turned 10 (LOL).  One is very mathy and one is average to above average in math.  I have not done a lot of supplementation and it is needed.  At a minimum, my mathy one needs to be more challenged.



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