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Engaging, Christian, Narrative History for Read Aloud


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I don't know about church history, but A Picturesque Tale of Progress is good for reading, though it only goes up through the Middle Ages. Lots of historical details, and it covers things like the Mongolian conquest and the ancient history of countries other than those in Europe. One whole book is dedicated to the ancient Americas up through the Spanish conquest.

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Honestly, my favourite is the R&S 7 history text, Understanding the Old World. Of all the things I've used, it's still my favourite. There is one chapter dedicated to Mennonite history that you might be inclined to skip. I liked it so much after using it with my olders when they were in about 2nd-4th grades that I plan on using it again when we start ancients again in a year. It covers ancient and middle ages pretty well but you would have to move to something else for modern times.

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Sketches from Church History by S.M. Houghton would be well worth considering. It moves at a nice pace through the material, so you get through the centuries, yet would provide an excellent "spine" from which to go into certain eras or topics in more detail.




From the description at Amazon:


This book outlines the thrilling story of the onward march of the Church of Christ from the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century. It is not a dry-as-dust account of long-forgotten events and controversies, but rather a moving record of those who undertook the adventure of faith before us and through their courage and steadfastness, left an example for the church in every age.


There's also a student workbook by Rebecca Frawley. http://www.amazon.com/Sketches-Church-History-Student-Workbook/dp/0851519520/ref=pd_bxgy_14_text_y


For biographical sketches, Men of Purpose and Men of Destiny by Peter Masters are enjoyable glimpses into a wide variety of Christian lives, which, we shouldn't be surprised, often have startling beginnings.


The biographies and sketches by Faith Cook would be excellent as well--she writes very simply. One of her titles, Singing in the Fire, sketches the lives of various Christians tested by adversity, including Charles Spurgeon's wife, who suffered chronic illness but was integral to his ministry. Cook is prolific, so there's lots more from her to discover.


There have been some good books on the stories behind the great hymns.





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I read half of the first Volume of Veritas' Pages of History and enjoyed it (and then passed it on to my kids.) I would recommend it. I did feel like it was more Christian world view through the lens of history more than just a history book. Not a criticism at all, just an FYI.

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Thanks everyone! I bought the Ebook for The Story of the Ancient World by Guerber/Miller this morning! I tried the kiddos on a chapter yesterday and it seemed to go all right. I really appreciate Miller's revisions and the effort she has put into doing the research for them.


Pages of History still sounds interesting from the worldview perspective, but it will have to wait :).

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