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Both. I plan to do 1-2 "family yearbooks" for each year, but any major vacation (e.g., our week in DC or Disneyworld) gets an album of its own - otherwise, it tends to dominate the yearbook. I use Blurb, and for the yearbooks use a larger album and for the vacation books use an 8x10.


Hope that helps!

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I do one "yearbook" every year. It's usually around 40 pages. I do it through Shutterfly. All events, major or minor, go in there. Bigger events take more pages, but I don't mind.

I do this too. I started when my 1st child was born, so my year goes November-October of the next year. Works well to finish the photo album in time to buy 3, and give 2 to grandparents for Christmas.

By now the album is pushing 100 pages. It's not my fault we have cute kids! I do take out some pages of the in laws to give to my parents, and vice versa.


I have done a special album for a couple big trips, when shutterfly has a free 8x8, just pay shipping. I still include the best pictures of that trip in the main album.


If I had more money, and a ton more time and energy, and we could afford to, say, travel to Europe with a top notch camera, I would do more albums. ;) So basically I am happy to have just a yearly album, and am doing well to keep up with that. My husband insists that I keep the photos chronological within the album, and the years are on most of the spines. That way we can look up what our older ones were doing at 9 months, since our memories are unreliable.

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I like larger albums with everything in one place. I do it by years, and include vacation as part of it. Sometimes it means a first half of the year book and a second half for years where we have big vacations. I usually max out the shutterfly 110 page photo book. I'm years behind, but love that I switched to photo books a few years back, the captions make all the difference in the world to us. I include dates, names of places and people, and sometimes just fun comments. My goal is to help my kids remember all the cool things we've done!

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Both. I plan to do 1-2 "family yearbooks" for each year, but any major vacation (e.g., our week in DC or Disneyworld) gets an album of its own - otherwise, it tends to dominate the yearbook. I use Blurb, and for the yearbooks use a larger album and for the vacation books use an 8x10.


Hope that helps!


I sort of do it like this.  I actually scrapbook most of my pictures, so vacations or events that have lots of photos get their own books.  The rest go in regular albums.

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