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can ducks get dementia?

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It's 6:30 in the morning, and our duck has been quacking her little quacker off for about half an hour. We live in the city (and it's legal to have fowl here), so I'm sure this is driving our neighbors batty. She quacked quite a lot of the day yesterday, too.


There has been a hawk in the neighborhood, but other than that, nothing in her little duck life has changed.


Any ideas?


Nicole -- (who would rather been researching tea preparation methods but finds that the constant quacking puts a real damper on one's mood for tea)

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“…Alice began to get rather sleepy and went on saying to herself, in a dreamy sort of way; ‘Do cats eat bats? Do cats eat bats?’ and sometimes, ‘Do bats eat cats?’ for you see, as she couldn’t answer either question, it didn’t much matter which way she put it.”


Tea needed... no, the other kind.



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It's 6:30 in the morning, and our duck has been quacking her little quacker off for about half an hour. We live in the city (and it's legal to have fowl here), so I'm sure this is driving our neighbors batty. She quacked quite a lot of the day yesterday, too.


There has been a hawk in the neighborhood, but other than that, nothing in her little duck life has changed.


Any ideas?


Nicole -- (who would rather been researching tea preparation methods but finds that the constant quacking puts a real damper on one's mood for tea)



She's alone, yes? No chance she's got some ducklings somewhere? Or a potential mate in the 'hood? What breed?


I've posted a query for you on a poultry site I used to visit frequently. Will let you know what I learn.


Do they make duck muzzles?



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She's alone, yes? No chance she's got some ducklings somewhere? Or a potential mate in the 'hood? What breed?


I've posted a query for you on a poultry site I used to visit frequently. Will let you know what I learn.


Do they make duck muzzles?




She's a khaki campbell, I think, and she's alone. There's been a pesky crow that comes by every morning and takes her food. That rather pisses her off, but this quacking is different. She stopped laying this summer, but I thought that was normal. I haven't seen a mate or babies anywhere. I guess she could be carrying on a secret love affair.


We thought she'd be upset when her (female) companion died last winter, but she was not. She was never very attached to us, like a duck we used to have, who would follow my husband around and make mad dashes for the house if she got out. She'd stand at the back door, looking for him, and would get in if she had the chance. But this quacking duck was not like that.


Thanks for asking on your poultry board. I wish I could say I had a poultry board, but it's all I can do to keep up with just this one!

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Any ducky luck with the poultry board? This morning the only thing that would get that duck to close her loud beak was me standing by her enclosure. I refreshed her water, made sure her food where she likes it, and yet, as soon as I walk away, there she goes again. I can't stand out there all day!


I'm afraid we'll be run out of town by angry, sleep deprived neighbors.


And how the heck did you get Make Tea Not War as your avatar?

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Nichole, I'm not sure if you're serious about the dementia or not but it I do believe it's possible. Our dog had dementia for a while b/f she died. The vet gave us a doggie dementia quiz to fill out and if we answered yes to a certain number, she had it. She answered yes to most. I mean, on her behalf, we answered yes to most.


You know, it's about time to migrate . . . you think that could have someting to do with it?

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Any ducky luck with the poultry board? This morning the only thing that would get that duck to close her loud beak was me standing by her enclosure. I refreshed her water, made sure her food where she likes it, and yet, as soon as I walk away, there she goes again. I can't stand out there all day!


I'm afraid we'll be run out of town by angry, sleep deprived neighbors.


And how the heck did you get Make Tea Not War as your avatar?



Here's what was posted by a woman I know to be fairly knowledgeable over there:


If it's the only duck she has & is quacking loudly, it's probably a female wanting companionship. This time of year it may have heard migrating ducks. It could well be bothered by the presence of a hawk, but they usually just freeze & watch them. They're flock animals & really are unhappy in a solitary environment.

I had the same ideas, believe it or not, but wasn't sure about migratory patterns where you are, plus you mentioned that she seemed fine all alone up until now. But, combine the two (migrating ducks overhead and aloneness), and you may have a seasonal urge going on in your little fowl.



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