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I'm going to be Quiverof10 this week.....

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:lol: At first I though, 14, 14, 14 -- where is she going to get all those 14 year olds, but then I realized THOSE kids are YOURS. :lol:


Have you gone to Sam's Club and stocked up on food yet? Wow. You ARE a friend. Do ya want my three next week? They're 3.5, 20 months and 20 months (twins). PM me if you want 'em.

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Wow, I wish I was your friend IRL, because I'll bet you could watch my 3 with no trouble! Actually, that's not ther real reason why (that might be your horses or your humour posts, who knows). But, hats off to you and I hope you have a fun week. Will your 14, 14 & 14 change diapers?



One 14 and 15 are on diaper patrol. I claim kitchen duty.

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I did that for Mommaduck when she had a family emergency.


I had a 14,12,11,11,9,7,5,4 year old at my house. Not quite as daunting as yours....:lol:


My husband was on waffle patrol. We had both waffle irons out and he made me enough waffles for the entire week. Not that we did waffles for an entire weeks worth of breakfast but it great to have.


Make ahead what ever you can.....:D


Three of them are mine....the rest belong to Mommaduck.

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