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Help with 10th grader - need free/inexpensive, structured syllabi...

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My stepdaughter is coming home for the first time, so she can study privately with her ballet instructor 6 hours a day.  She will split time between her mother's house and ours.  We need everything scheduled, so that all parents can know how she is doing.  I am also very concerened with her adjusting to the independence and time management.


Because the dance instruction is so expensive, we need it to be as inexpensive as possible.


She is a bright girl, who is interested in learning and curious about the world around her.  This is why we decided to homeschool vs. cyber school.


Here is her 10th grade schedule.  


Algebra 2 - Jann in TX (she struggled in Algebra 1, so we are willing to pay for Jann).


Biology - Miller-Levine Dragonfly Book, using Kolbe or Biology Corner.  Will add documentaries and books.


World History - ???


English - ???


Spanish 3 - ???


If you have any thoughts, it will be greatly appreciated!  



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Could you use something like Sonlight (or Stobaugh, though I've never used Stobaugh) to combine world history and English? Lots of lit for the period she's studying, and writing essays and summaries? 


Spanish 3 could be Breaking the Barrier. I like an aural component, like Pimsleur (pricey, but check your library). The audio portion could be knocked out in the car going to and from ballet. There's also Destinos


It's so great that you can make her school work fit around her passion. That's living the dream! 


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We enjoyed Oak Meadow for World History.  I bought the syllabus and Teacher's guide for the syllabus through Oak Meadow and bought the textbook used through Amazon to save money.  It is laid out for you with questions for each assignment and additional projects to choose from.  I used this for both of my children at separate times.  You can take a look at sample assignments by following the link.


I added videos from Discovery Education Streaming Plus (we have used this for years for several different courses, such as, sciences, history, literature, and exploring interests - it is not cheap but you can get a free trial for the summer right now through the Homeschool Buyers Co-op to see if it is something she would like).  I added a study of the world's major religions.  I also added an Art History portion, but that is definitely not necessary.  I also tied their literature study for the year to their World History (My Dd did an online class for literature with the Center for Lit, but if you want to save money - you might want to look at Lightning Lit or something like Windows to the World or Excellence in Literature.  


If she has not had world geography and you do not intend to make that a separate course during her high school years, you might want to consider adding some component of this to her World History class.  A fun, easy and different way to do this is to use Visualize World Geography.  It is not intensive, but of she has not had a World Geography component yet, it gets the job done with just a little addition each day.


Good luck!  It sounds as if your stepdaughter is going to be very busy.

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I don't know if you want Christian or Secular.


For World History, I would look at Oak Meadow for secular, but with an inexpensive easy to follow syllabus. Buy the textbook used, not through OM. If you prefer Christian, Notgrass is easy to follow. You could also go with a combined history English using My Father's World. That isn't the cheapest route, but it does offer a detailed schedule.


For English, I would use EIL. I've used multiple levels for 2 different kids and it was one of the only things I've ever tried that they both did well with. It is easy, scheduled and super cheap! I would start with Intro to Lit.


I don't have any recommendations for Spanish, but I would definitely recommend an online class or looking into the local CC for this.

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I don't know if you want Christian or Secular.


For World History, I would look at Oak Meadow for secular, but with an inexpensive easy to follow syllabus. Buy the textbook used, not through OM. If you prefer Christian, Notgrass is easy to follow. You could also go with a combined history English using My Father's World. That isn't the cheapest route, but it does offer a detailed schedule.


For English, I would use EIL. I've used multiple levels for 2 different kids and it was one of the only things I've ever tried that they both did well with. It is easy, scheduled and super cheap! I would start with Intro to Lit.


I don't have any recommendations for Spanish, but I would definitely recommend an online class or looking into the local CC for this.


Thank you all!


We are looking for secular.  Forgot to mention that!


I remember using Oak Meadow during my first year of homeschooling.  I liked it!  Thanks for the reminder.


And Sonlight can be used secularly.  I will be sure to look into that as well.


Off to look at EIL as well.  


Are there any lecture series that may be worth a look?  Maybe Open Courseware or Great Courses (I have some audible credits I can use.)


You have no idea how much help you all are.  It has been looming over me in the worst way.  I feel pressure to make it work for her!


And thanks for the well wishes in supporting her passion!

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Oh! And any thoughts on Kolbe? Can it be used secularly?


Also - if I wanted honors level, how could I make adjustments?

Kolbe Biology uses a secular book and adds church teaching. So you can not add the additional material. You might find the book Chance or Purpose of interest in either event.


Also for one of my kids I have purchased the workbook for the Biology text. This has a lot of questions, matching, vocabulary, etc. I find it is a good way for him to pull out the important parts without a lot of online time. I'm skipping many of the online activities and just doing the virtual labs.

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