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How safe/secure is DIY?

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How long has it been around? How sure are people that it's a safe place for kids? How comfortable are you letting your kids post projects that include pictures/videos of themselves?


Am I just super-paranoid? We try to keep everything possible offline when it comes to our kids. So, when they're old enough to know what an online presence/identity means, it's not too late and they have some sort of control.




(I think my kids would love earning the badges on diy, but I'm still trying to decide if the social aspect of it is worth starting this juggernaut.)

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We've had zero issues and know a ton of families on it. They clearly are monitoring. My kids say they haven't seen anything inappropriate on there unless you count fan type projects for books and movies that you might not want your kids to see the actual media of (as in, a 3rd grader you don't want reading Hunger Games yet might see Hunger Games fan art type projects). I don't let my kids use their real names.


Helping kids navigate social media has been a thing here. One of my boys gets really drawn into the social media aspect of sites like these and has had some issues distancing himself. No one has ever said or done anything terrible to him on social media things, but sometimes people critique a project or tell him he's wrong about something and it's upsetting. But in a way, I feel glad that we're dealing with that stuff now, at age 10, and I'm not just releasing him to it later. No one wrote the handbook for how to parent kids through the social media age, which is, indeed, a new experience we're having. ANd on the bright side, there have been good aspects. Ds has also made online friends and learned from other kids on social media (he's more active on Scratch than DIY, but he does both). So... yeah.

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Dd has never ever posted her face on the site.  Other kids do with some of the same projects.  It's a choice.  For example, one project was asking for you to show your medals or bibs from races.  A lot of kids posted pictures of themself at the race.  Dd gathered all her race bibs and medals, arranged them on the floor, took a picture of that and posted it.  She got the same credit that all the other kids did for doing the project (which was to actually run the race!)


She did another project where she had to do a trick on a swing or on bars.  We filmed that - of her back.  Again - you can't see her face and I'd like to see someone try to pick her out of millions with just her back to go on.  (People post a lot more on FB or on blogs. .. . )

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