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Dr. Hive : Sinus question - go to doctor?


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I got a cold a bit more than a week ago. Mostly better, but have lingering snot that is thick, yellow, and sometimes bloody. (I get nose bleeds fairly easily so that's not that odd). Bad taste in my mouth off and on. head feels congested, ears are plugged up a bit, but I can breathe through my nose some. I have a messed up septum, when I went to have a test done where they had to put a tube up my nose and into my stomach they couldn't do it, they hit a wall on both sides. My mom has an S shaped septum, so it seems I may too. (a doctor told me I had a deviated septum years ago). Doing netti pots or whatever doesn't really work because it's nearly impossible to get any liquid to pass, probaby because of the septum issue I imagine. Anyway, I've had lots of sinus infections. Usually if i go hard with the sudafed I can avoid needing antibiotics. But right now, my ears are full, and I keep feeling mildly sweaty/feverish off and on, run down, and just in a fog. But, my head isn't throbbing, I'm not absolutely miserable, etc.  Also, I have surgery coming up in 2 weeks, if that matters.


option 1- pick up some mucinex to see if I can thin out whatever is in there to get it out, and wait to see how that works for a few days. I'm already drinking a lot of liquids. Maybe sit in a room with a vaporizer going for a while, hot showers, etc. 


Option 2. Do the doc on demand website today and get a doctor to prescribe me antibiotics. 


Option 3. Go to family doctor on monday. 


some combination of above. 


On the one hand, i can function. on the other hand, i don't feel right. 

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I'm going to head to walmart to get the mucinex, and start taking some flonase and see what happens. i've gotten pretty good at dealing with this without antibiotics, but on the other hand, don't want it going into my chest before surgery. blergh.


My big realization that has kept me from having so many sinus infections is that I should NOT take an antihistamine when this is going on, as it dries things out, thickening the mucous so it gets trapped. Just mucinex and sudafed. 

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