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Date on high school diploma

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Hoping to get your thoughts on what date to put on a high school diploma.  My son will officially have completed his requirements for high school tomorrow, our last day of this school year.  We are having a family celebration, a 'graduation' of sorts I guess (very low key), but on that date will award him his diploma.  I'm wavering between the two dates.  What would you suggest--the date we award the diploma, or the day he completed his studies?


Thanks so much!


Nancy in NH

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It does not matter one little bit. Unless your graduation party is at a strange date that would raise eyebrows (like mid-October or something)


When I graduated high school the date on the diploma for everyone in the class was the day of graduation, even though we'd all finished our exams 4-6 days before. Some of us did finish exams on different days. I'm sure there were people eeking out extra assignments in the last couple of days, but we all had the same date on the diploma.


The online program where I work dates diplomas based on completion of the last exam. Accredidation takes a couple weeks to review all the exams and transcripts, but the date on the diploma is the date the student passed his/her last exam.

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I used the end of semester date at the college where my daughter was dual enrolled, since she was effectively done after that. We had a family brunch at her favorite restaurant that weekend to mark her graduation, and I gave her the diploma and her graduation gifts then.

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Thanks everyone!  So much going on and the little details are driving me crazy, for some reason.  After thinking about all your input, I've decided to go with tomorrow--his last official day of school.  We are celebrating the end of school with the kids tomorrow, and party in a few weeks with family and friends.  I appreciate your thoughts on it.  


So many feelings as I graduate my first...

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