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BYL grade 8 book list posted.


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The fully laid out approach is really not at all appealing to me. But I have been consistently impressed with their book choices. I feel like their 7th grade ones are really good. They do a good job of using really quality science books and they have a great balance of diverse book choices around various themes.

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We used grade 1 this year.  While I don't necessarily do well with the "read pages xx to xx" format, the book choices are fabulous.  We often read more than we were supposed to, but it was easy to adjust and get ourselves back on track.

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  • 1 year later...

We are using Gr. 4 and 7.




I really wanted to like (and do) a literature based curriculum - tried everything from Sonlight to MBTP and everything in between. I tried making my own, I tried using the library, I spent HOURS and HOURS researching and planning. Eventually I decided that the literature based idea was just not for us and I sort of gave up and just did SOTW with the Activity Guide for a few years.. And then we found BYL.


It has completely changed the way we homeschool. My kids can't wait to hear the stories and finish the books before they are scheduled to do so. They enjoy everything from the poetry to the art. (We do our own science.)


Great programs! Not to easy, not to tedious and certainly not long winded and borning. So glad we found it - otherwise my kids might have been heading to school.

Edited by Tsutsie
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