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ACT & Plugs

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I know there is an ACT thread for the April test but wanted to post separately.


Dd began this year, her junior year, very behind in math. It wasn't any surprise that she did not score well on ACT practice tests and the real deal.  Fortunately, we found TabletClass Math and Mr. Zimmerman, the author of TC.  Since September, she has brought her composite up 5 points, but we are jumping around the kitchen today because her math score has gone up 6 points!  I know the tests vary in difficult, but this is one confirmation that dd is finally, finally learning math, and we give credit for that to Mr. Zimmerman's tutoring and TC.  For a struggling student, learning and understanding math is life changing.


Also, we have been working with Beasley College Prep.  BCP offers quite a few services and test prep for ACT/SAT is one of the services.  We did not use a test prep service with our other children, but we felt this was the right direction for dd.  Each student is assigned a mentor, who provides support and input as the student works through materials to become familiar with the tests, learn strategies, and analyze practice tests.  While better scores are the goal of a test prep service, I've also seen a tremendous improvement in dd's critical thinking, reasoning, etc. because of the work she is doing with BCP.  Fwiw, BCP has track record of excellent results.


All in all, the improvement on the ACT is sweet finish to a difficult year.  Of course, the additional scholarship dd has earned is another reason for the happy dance.


P.S.  I want to give a shout out to regentrude.  In one of your posts, you mentioned that your physics students sometimes fail because of poor Algebra skills not because they haven't had high school physics.  Because of that post, we backtracked and decided to make sure that dd really understood Algebra.  It wasn't an easy decision, but in the end, it has been worth it.  





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Hooray for your DD! That must be a wonderful feeling for both of you.


And I appreciate your P.S. Algebra has been harder for DS than I expected. I really thought that we would be done done done with Algebra 1 by now. Nope. Ugh, it is so tempting to rush at this point.

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We're still plugging away with Algebra, too. I will say that dropping AoPS 2/3rds of the way through Algebra and starting over with Saxon and then starting over a third time with Foerster was the right decision for my dd. Her math scores improved dramatically.


AoPS isn't for everyone. My daughter is starting to regain some confidence in math and it shows! :hurray:  (Not only in math, but carrying over to math in science! :coolgleamA: )


Thank you, thank you to all of you who stressed making Algebra stick, no matter how long it takes. Thanks, also to those of you who helped me finally understand that what matters most is the learning, not which path it takes to get there....

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We're still plugging away with Algebra, too. I will say that dropping AoPS 2/3rds of the way through Algebra and starting over with Saxon and then starting over a third time with Foerster was the right decision for my dd. Her math scores improved dramatically.


AoPS isn't for everyone. My daughter is starting to regain some confidence in math and it shows! :hurray:  (Not only in math, but carrying over to math in science! :coolgleamA: )


Thank you, thank you to all of you who stressed making Algebra stick, no matter how long it takes. Thanks, also to those of you who helped me finally understand that what matters most is the learning, not which path it takes to get there....


This is all such music to my ears.

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I want to say it is from all of you that I am having my DD "afterschool". I always thought if she makes straight As in school (she is in public school) then she is doing great. Boy have I had my head in the sand.  I started with PreA and now she is on Foerster Alg 1, chapter 6 and so far doing well. Yes, I had her try AoPS but I did not she did not like it and I gave that up right away. She really likes the straight forwardness of Foerster Alg 1.



Thank you WTM  parents, you guys rock!



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