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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning

- dishes- done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- see dfil- he's being released today

- dinner- meat thawed

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- took a nap with dd2, bought new pillows and some deep pocket sheets (holy crap those are way more expensive than I thought)

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OK I am coming down with something.  It started yesterday, but I ignored it.  Something in my throat plus a bit of a fever.  Hopefully I won't let it slow me down much.


I did decide to skip church, even though we could have gone if I pushed it.


Today's list:

  • Work about an hour.  [done]
  • Kids up & ready for dance.  [done]
  • Pay for camps & memberships at the gym (I registered by email yesterday).  [done]
  • Some house cleaning, garbage out type stuff.  [done]
  • Make list of kids' work for today.  (Sister has the kids after dance.)  [done]
  • Work until midnight.
  • Take work breaks for:
    • a little exercise
    • a little reading
    • check in with kids & sister at dinner
    • maybe some personal filing / bill paying type stuff
    • tuck in the kids at bedtime
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Well, now my eldest is sick again.  I think it's time for me to run away to a Tibetan monastery.  I don't know if they have internet there but if you don't hear from me for a while, know I'm in good hands ....  :P


OK, I might be overreacting a little.  But I still haven't recovered from last week's make-up work.  :/

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human care done

pet care done

church done

lunch done.  

after church nap done

garbage put out

recycling put out


How many people does it take to clip one of Rocky's back paws?  3.  Ds17 at the front end.  Dd13 at the rear end.  And me using the scissors.  Only one paw left to do - this round,


Walked down to two different neighbors and asked for information on who they use to mow their lawn.  Dh is still trying to fix the lawn mower.  

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