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Classical Conversations* Is this where everyone posts?


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Hi there,


I see tons of people here use CC. Is this where you all mostly post? I see hardly anyone just chatting about CC on the portal or on the CCC. I also joined a CC interest yahoo group. I'd love to find the best "secret" group that CCers are posting on. We're starting on Wednesday, and I have been scrounging for the place that people are posting about their first weeks, hoping to learn from those who are "going before me."




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I don't know where people post but it isn't here (and I agree that it is not on the portal/Connections). If you do a search you'll find a few posts on here where people who have done the program share their pros and cons and some where people share their opinions. :001_smile:


Is the Yahoo group you mentioned a generic sort of group? Most are specific to a certain program in a certain area but that one doesn't say it is.




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I've seen a bunch of CC-related posts here. There was one this AM on the general board, and we directed the poster here. I also linked to several CC threads that I searched for and found; there were many more than I didn't link to. Here's this AM's thread. Try the search feature to find more. :001_smile:


The problem is, the great majority of CC threads on here are "should I or shouldn't I" posts or "have you heard of this" posts. What I think the OP is asking for (and certainly what I want) is a place to discuss the how to's once a family has already chosen to go with the program. You know, the nitty gritty, daily grind kind of stuff.:D


This forum definitely isn't the right place to get into that but where is that place? Like Linda and a couple of others in the AM thread this is my group's first year and we need to talk it through with others. This is our 4th week and lack of online, in the trenches, type support is the only thing I think could be going better in our CC experience so far...


Man, I never knew how good I had it when we did WTM and Ambleside and has such awesome online support groups! lol


Georgia (tutoring Foundations and Essentials)

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I think a lot of this has to do with the structure of CC. If you as a parent have questions about using the program, the Director of your campus is really the place to go. If you are a tutor, the same is true, as each Director runs things a little differently and might not want you to use advice from a tutor in another program if is differs with your campus' procedures. If the whole campus needs advice (Director included,) then the Director portal or your state manager are the places to go for help.

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and I have lots of questions, too. Maybe we can all commit to checking the CC message board and helping each other out.


In the meantime, what are you doing with your abecedarian and apprentice classes for geography? Are you going to try and have them write the capitals on the map or do you have labels? How are you sticking the labels to the map?



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and I have lots of questions, too. Maybe we can all commit to checking the CC message board and helping each other out.


In the meantime, what are you doing with your abecedarian and apprentice classes for geography? Are you going to try and have them write the capitals on the map or do you have labels? How are you sticking the labels to the map?




I'd love to know tried-and-true ways for the abecedarian level, too. I'm tutoring that age starting on Monday.


All that writing won't work with our group. Our director is printing labels, but I haven't seen them yet. We're all brand new, too, and are going to have to "wing it" for a lot of things. Any ideas are very much appreciated!

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Yes, I think it would be better if questions from irectors and/or tutors were asked on the portal.


Ask this question over there, and I will give you a fun system dh worked out for me for the maps...


angela, do you have a link? Are you talking about the free forum or the one you pay to access?


mom2abcd, who isn't sure she can swing more expenses for CC and wonders how helpful the $ forum is...

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Yes, I think it would be better if questions from irectors and/or tutors were asked on the portal.


Ask this question over there, and I will give you a fun system dh worked out for me for the maps...


Oh, I agree that tutor questions are better asked there. Problem is, in our group, we (3 tutors and a sub!) just can't get our Director to.get.us.on.the.Portal! :confused: I feel blind and lost, lol.


I bought 3 months of Connections and am so glad I did, as there are a few things there for Foundations that I used! But that is just for Foundations and very few people are posting (yet).


But what about parent questions? Is Connections where we should be talking about those? I would love to see how everyone is supplementing Foundations each week. I have the Unofficial Resource sheet but there must be other stuff people are using/doing. Checklists people make, how they schedule, extra worksheets they whip up, etc. Surely I am not the only one doing these things? Same for Essentials (minus the extra stuff, there is already enough!, lol). But that isn't up yet...


And for my Challenge student there is...nothing. In our group 7 kids jumped into B this year. My dd is doing well but I would love to hear some tips and suggestions, etc. Again, how do others schedule their days with multiple ages in the home, how much input are you giving, etc. Maybe when that part of Connections is up?


Anyway, thanks so much for posting everyone, it's nice to know you're here and I'll shut up now:001_smile:!

Georgia (who made it through Essentials Week 1!! and lived to tell about it)

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Oops, let me clarify. There is a Portal for Foundations Directors and Essentials Tutors. Your Director cannot get you on the Portal as a Foundations Tutor.


Any questions about actually running the campus and classes should really be asked there. Tutors need to ask these questions of their own Director, and if she isn't sure, she can ask on the Portal.


As far as questions about using the program in your home, your best bet is to ask on the Connected Community. It is sparce right now, but if no one asks questions, it will stay that way. :) I know I cruise by and try to answer any I can. Other Directors and Tutors will be more likely to do this as the pressure of preparing for the first day is passing, I'm sure.

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Oops, let me clarify. There is a Portal for Foundations Directors and Essentials Tutors. Your Director cannot get you on the Portal as a Foundations Tutor.




Oh gotcha! See I did not even know THAT. lol And I am an Essentials Tutor, haha.


Thanks, I really appreciate your help. We are such unbelievable newbies... :D



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Frelle ~~


Yes! Can't we set up a group through TWTM boards just for CC'ers? If so, definitely set one up... I agree that it would be a huge asset!


Abecedarians.... well, what a tough age group! :) My 5dd is in that group this year and for geography, her tutor uses a large floor puzzle and an enlarged & laminated blank map of the US for each student. She doesn't have them write the state capitols or abbrev., but they point to them to identify them. They also color the states with a dry erase marker to identify it.


One of the most effective things I've seen her do with this age group is hop-scotch their skip counting. For instance, she makes a hopscotch form on the floor with masking tape each week and inside are the numbers the kids need to learn to skip count. The kids hop on each square as they say that number aloud. It's a wonderful idea! At first, they start pretty slow, really thinking before they can jump; but I'm amazed at how quick they get at it in just one day!


Another thing our tutor for Abc's does is alternate seated activities with standing ones. For instance, she'll have them all stand up to learn hand and/or body motions to go with their science memory work, then she'll have them sit on a round carpet to go over their history timeline, then back on their feet for Latin memory to song & motions, then over to the table for mapwork, etc....


Oh yea, and during the history song, she lets them make something with playdoh. Last week they all tried to make a ship as they sang about Columbus and the Nina, Pinta & Santa Maria. I may be easily impressed because 5 year olds and their short attention spans are not my strong point, but I think our tutor does a great job of keeping the kid's attention.


Good luck everyone!! Hope it's a GREAT year! :)

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Abecedarians.... well, what a tough age group! :) My 5dd is in that group this year and for geography, her tutor uses a large floor puzzle and an enlarged & laminated blank map of the US for each student. She doesn't have them write the state capitols or abbrev., but they point to them to identify them. They also color the states with a dry erase marker to identify it.


One of the most effective things I've seen her do with this age group is hop-scotch their skip counting. For instance, she makes a hopscotch form on the floor with masking tape each week and inside are the numbers the kids need to learn to skip count. The kids hop on each square as they say that number aloud. It's a wonderful idea! At first, they start pretty slow, really thinking before they can jump; but I'm amazed at how quick they get at it in just one day!


Another thing our tutor for Abc's does is alternate seated activities with standing ones. For instance, she'll have them all stand up to learn hand and/or body motions to go with their science memory work, then she'll have them sit on a round carpet to go over their history timeline, then back on their feet for Latin memory to song & motions, then over to the table for mapwork, etc....


Oh yea, and during the history song, she lets them make something with playdoh. Last week they all tried to make a ship as they sang about Columbus and the Nina, Pinta & Santa Maria. I may be easily impressed because 5 year olds and their short attention spans are not my strong point, but I think our tutor does a great job of keeping the kid's attention.


Good luck everyone!! Hope it's a GREAT year! :)



Linda, this is SO helpful to me. Our training was geared towards older kids and having taught preschool for several years and raising four of my own, I know the same methods won't work with the littles that they presented for the olders.


I'd love to connect with any other Abecedarian tutors (or frankly, any Foundations tutors at all.)


Did you all see the link to the yahoo group I posted on page 1 of this thread? Or if someone here wants to start a yahoo or google group, please let me know.


I'm sure there are a lot of good ideas out there that we can tweak to make our own or make better and share with others.


Thanks again!

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There is a Portal for Foundations Directors and Essentials Tutors. Your Director cannot get you on the Portal as a Foundations Tutor.


Any questions about actually running the campus and classes should really be asked there. Tutors need to ask these questions of their own Director, and if she isn't sure, she can ask on the Portal.





That's what we suspected. (We're all new, including our director.) And our director thinks tutors should have access to the Portal. I sure wish we did! She just moved and has her hands full getting CC off the ground and it would be so nice to peruse the Portal ourselves.

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Here's the Yahoo group, that you all can join. If someone wants to start one on here, that's great, too! The group that I provided the link for is meant to be general. I did join the CCC for the month, but don't know if I'll continue.


I asked the group owner about what her intent is for the group; it's for families all over that want to connect. I love the idea of a place to speak freely about our great experiences.


As someone already mentioned, each director has discretion to run her group the way she feels is best. I'm a director, so I understand that, but until the CCC comes off moderated posts, I'm not seeing the speed of messages picking up.


So...join us at the group below:-)




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