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District HS Coordinator failed to send paperwork to school district

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. . . so when our newly-enrolled-in-school sixth grader showed up for the first day, he was sent home!


I'm stunned. They lose paperwork over there all the time, but I was expecting them to be more careful in dealing with their own bureaucracies than in dealing with homeschooling parents. They just ruined a very nervous 11yob's first week of school. I'm not even sure what to do. They don't want to take my records (of course I kept careful duplicates of his records b/c of the way this district is); they only want the original records from their own office.


We informed them all about the transfer in June, by the way.

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. . . so when our newly-enrolled-in-school sixth grader showed up for the first day, he was sent home!






How do they do that? Does that mean you have to come get him?


If he were my child, they'd have to have a fire drill after I came to get him because of the steam and spew coming from my mouth.


Sigh. How awful for your ds. :grouphug:

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sorry to hear about that. How is ds taking it?


I'm in upstate NY as well.

I moved and called the hs coordinator of the new district to let him know I was here. He asked he to call the other hs district (the next town over) and have her records sent over.


I explained we only started hs 6 months ago and i have records of all communication with them. He was friendly and still asked that I make the request.


This morning I call over and the not at all friendly receptionist says, as always that the coordinator isn't there (even thought she IS there most of the time). It's not a big deal because that is why she has a receptionsit but why be dishonest AND hire someone that is so bitter??


I very politely explain that the other coordinator requested I ask you to send him what you have. She gets VERY frustrated that I would even suggest such a thing.




I did find it odd that in speaking with both the hs coordinator and the guidance counselor (I was asking about what standardized tests they give) both keep asking me if i would consider enrolling dd in their school.

Seemed like when i mentioned what classes we were doing (Latin, logic, geography,advanced English,...) they became eager to get me to enroll her.


I politely thanked each of them for the offers but inside I was scratching my head. Why would I abandon all the opportunity and freedom to have her sit and not be able to take those classes because she's an 8th grader??


hope things work out with your district

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sorry to hear about that. How is ds taking it?


He's angry.


This morning I call over and the not at all friendly receptionist says, as always that the coordinator isn't there (even thought she IS there most of the time). It's not a big deal because that is why she has a receptionsit but why be dishonest AND hire someone that is so bitter??


Oy vey! Our coordinator recently retired and no one thought to train the new person. Honestly, I kind of want her job. I'd be much better at it, and I'd know what to do.



Why would I abandon all the opportunity and freedom to have her sit and not be able to take those classes because she's an 8th grader??


I don't understand them. I really, really don't. Maybe your list of the awesome classes you're teaching caused them to try to justify what they're doing, and they didn't have the executive function to do so silently.

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Rose, I'm SO sorry for ds. It is hard enough to be the new kid and then they make him feel even more awkward. Bureaucracy is so heartless. Grrr!


At least he'll have company. It turns out that every single entering homeschooler in the district had the same problem. The new lady in the homeschool office didn't forward anybody's paperwork.

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Was she fired? Disciplined? Something? Because that is just. so. ridiculous.


I don't know, but I doubt it. It's par for the course around here. Our school district is one of the worst in the state. We're really hoping circumstances change so that Sterling doesn't have to be in this school for the rest of the year. Maybe I should let the newspaper know so that they can drum up some anger; then she might be disciplined.

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At least he'll have company. It turns out that every single entering homeschooler in the district had the same problem. The new lady in the homeschool office didn't forward anybody's paperwork.


Was she fired? Disciplined? Something? Because that is just. so. ridiculous.


I am so sorry for your son's disappointing first day which is truly a shame. But give this lady a break. If she's a new to the job, it's likely that she has only been in the "office" a week or two at most. It's also likely that there wasn't adequate instructions or notes left to cover the transition between one staff person and the next. Personally, I would be angry at the previous person who should have made sure that all things were taken care of before leaving the position.

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