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Why, WHY? Why did the co-pilot do that?


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I haven't read the updates since Friday until just now. think there are two separate women? One is a Luftansa flight attendant and one a teacher. It's all speculative at this point. And the women may have contacted someone at the airline or otherwise in authority who dropped the ball. It's so awful.

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Who teaches chimpanzees and young children morality?  


Oh, right, other chimpanzees and humans.  Where did they get it?  Did it just fall out of the sky?  No, there is an inherent sense of right/wrong, justice/injustice, good/bad.  It may be undeveloped/unrefined, but it exists, and it's where the foundation of our complex social morality comes from.


I agree that there is some movement recently towards relative morality instead of absolute morality in the West and I think it is a symptom of a degenerating culture/society, but we still have some basic moral tenets that are, for the most part, foundational; furthermore, the fiat law can never negate natural law.


Animal morality is a fascinating thing.  Chimpanzees, whales, elephants, dolphins, among other species, even dogs, do have a sense of what's fair, what's acceptable, what's not acceptable.  Very interesting stuff.


Chimpanzee morality, just like whale, dolphin, etc., is by no means universal . A sense of what is, and what is not acceptable exists, but it is heavily dependent upon the group one belongs to.  Different family groups/ pods / herds exhibit different sets of acceptable behavior.  Chimpanzees regularly commit rape and genocide, and these are considered acceptable forms of aggression, even while they mourn their dead.  Dolphins also commit gang rape.


For that matter, humans do these things, too.  In some groups, they are heavily condemned, and punished.  In other groups, such as ISIS right now, these behaviors are considered to be ordered to a higher good.  They are promoted and carried out en masse.


I think it's really extraordinary the parallels that exist between other mammals and humans.



ETA: Regarding natural law, I understand the concept has been hugely useful in defining and guiding Western law, including US law for many centuries.  However, it is based upon a theistic interpretation of human nature, and presumes man's nature is endowed with a rational soul, and therefore a wholly different creature to other mammals.  Given that human behavior follows the same patterns as other higher evolved mammals, I don't see that this presumption is founded in any empiric evidence.  Therefore, the natural law is not a universal truth, and is not infallible, IMO.  But, I am happy to have a discussion in another thread about this if you like!

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I haven't seen anything in the news from the doctors themselves. It's been leaks or reports from the police investigation that there were unfit to work notes in his apartment. The information that has been leaked or released has nothing to do with a universal healthcare system.


I wonder why his ex(?) fiancée didn't call someone when he kept talking about downing planes.




Maybe I missed part of that story, but I understood that to have been a woman who came forward after the story broke, though he had a long time girlfriend during that period... sounds unreliable. Given how many people come out of the woodwork for their five minutes, I don't give an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend a lot of credibility in such an important investigation.

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