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2 or 1 Minecraft accounts for 2 kids?


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I think it is better to have 2 accounts.  They set up stuff the way they want individually.  I can imagine fighting and issues otherwise.  It would be like giving one a bucket of Legos and he builds a house and then you tell the next kid during his turn that he can use the Legos from the house his brother constructed.  That might not go well!


My kids recently talked me into trying it.  So I have an account too.  In the realm of video games it's pretty reasonably priced.  I'm not sure how I feel about it yet though . I built a house and I have 3 cats.  I started with 2 and one somehow multiplied because I fed him fish.  So at that rate I guess I can live as a virtual crazy cat lady.  LOL



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Way less conflict if you have two. We have three accounts because we have three computers to play it on, but there is is still sometimes conflict between the four of us who play. "You got my guy lost! You used up my diamond sword!" Etc, etc. It was way worse however when we had two accounts for four players.

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ok 2 seems to be the winner. I asked my middle son and he got all pouty and said he wants to set it up his way, so there you have it.


Has anyone's dc taken a class with Minecraft Homeschool? It sounds fun, but are they learning?


I have not tried those.  I would probably give it a try, but I'm not willing to pay a lot of money for it. 


I offered once and neither of my kids were interested.



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We have 4 accounts for 5 people.  My husband informed me today the littlest really needs to buy his own account.  Apparently one account per person really is best (so says my husband and kids who all like to play together at one time).

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