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Bible studies

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Do you have a favorite Bible study that your children and you do separately or together?  I am looking for something that 5th through 10th can do, something more than a paragraph devotional, something that digs into God's word.  Any ideas for me?



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We've also done Long Story Short/Old Story New and enjoyed them. There are instructions for adapting to multiple age levels. Sometimes David C Cook offers them on Kindle for free!


Right now we're using God's Great Covenant. The teacher's guide has fantastic notes. The story adaptations might be a little young for your older one(s) but the scripture reference is included in every lesson. Usually covers a few chapters in the OT (we haven't gotten to NT yet). We try to do the story as well as the original text. Unless you wanted to use the workbook pages, the TG would be sufficient.

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Caveat: I don't have ones those ages yet.  ;)  So this might all be theory doomed to failure once mine get to that age...


But you can always start them on inductive study.  You could do that a couple of different ways.  Start small, with the three questions:

- What does it say?

- What does it mean?

- What does it mean to me?  (In context, how (if at all) can it/should it be applied to my life?)


Or there are some great tools here:    http://www.intothyword.org/pages.asp?pageid=53489   The cheat sheet, which you'd almost certainly have to go through with at least the 5th grader, and the chart, which can be used to record their insights.  You could do it both separately and together.  Work through several passages together, at first, and as they master the idea, then do it alone, and discuss together, for instance.



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I came upon this a couple days ago while searching for something meaty for our 8th grade ds. It's free and it really digs in.


The site is http://www.bereanpublishers.com and here is the first of three units: http://www.bereanpublishers.com/Bible%20Studies/Unit%201%20Commands%20Bible%20StudyPDF.pdf

This looks really promising! I'll have it add it to my list, for my girls to look at after we finish the Foundations Press bible studies, which may be of interest to the OP, since it's a multi-age study:



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