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Removing from charter school 4th quarter

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I have always homeschooled.  Charlotte Mason approach for the most part.  My kids are ages 7 months to 18.  Oldest is dual enrolled.  The next 3 tried an online charter school this year and we pretty much hate it.  I think the 7th grader and 11th grader are going to hang on till the end of the year, but my 9th grader really would like to just stop now.


Going to public school at some point (so therefore needing to complete accredited credits) is not a concern.   I think I can figure out what to do for most of his classes but I am wondering about Earth science.  He has had 3/4 of a year and has an A.  I cant really go out and buy a whole curriculum.  He is asking to just READ and learn.  We dont want him on the computer any more than necessary as that was a huge draw back of the online format.  


We are streamlined, 3 Rs type homeschoolers.  He has had 4 years of IEW including Elegant Essay and can read and write well. Im thinking reading/researching topics or using documentaries and then either writing an essay or presenting the info in some way would be the best fit for us.  I dont really know what he has covered or what is left to cover but if we had a list of vocabulary and topics for Earth science we could probably go through it and figure out what he hasnt studied yet. And then use encyclopedias or the library for actual PAPER books.  And netflix/amazon for videos.


 This might just be a bad idea but we are really miserable.  He is very talented musically but is not having a lot of time to practice and the eye strain and headaches from doing all his work on the computer are just too much of a negative.  And he isnt trying very hard as he thinks its just a huge waste of his time.  So. much. busy. work :(


Any suggestions?

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1. textbook

(here's a used 9th grade Prentice Hall: Earth Science for $3+ shipping)

(here's the free online gr. 9-10 CK-12 Flexbook: Earth Science)

(here's the free online high school Wiki-Books: Earth Science)


2. labs

(see this past thread with loads of links: How do I add a lab to an Earth Science course?)


3. documentaries and/or lecture series from your library

(Teaching Company has 2 series, How the Earth Works, and, Nature of Earth: Intro to Geology)

(here'sNature of Earth: Intro to Geology used for $15+ shipping at Amazaon)


Enjoy! :)


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These are fantastic resources. Thanks so much!


I can't believe after all these years of homeschooling this feels so scary :/


Part of it too is just not wanting to feel like I taught him to quit when things got unpleasant. But he is wasting time and learning to hate school and do the bare minimum to get by. All the things I was trying to avoid by homeschooling.

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These are fantastic resources. Thanks so much!


I can't believe after all these years of homeschooling this feels so scary :/


Part of it too is just not wanting to feel like I taught him to quit when things got unpleasant. But he is wasting time and learning to hate school and do the bare minimum to get by. All the things I was trying to avoid by homeschooling.

I wouldn't allow him to quit this late in the year. Especially with good grades. He only has another 8 weeks or so. My son has been in k12 through state virtual since 1st grade. I know it can be tough but I would encourage him to stick it out until years end.

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