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Help me copy this Princess Bride cake!


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I want to copy the Princess Bride cake at this link, but I want to do it a little more tidily.   http://www.catholicallyear.com/2014/02/murdered-by-pirates-is-good-princess.html I found the artwork and how to copy the chocolate figures, so I think I'm good there.  I got straws and will get cardboard circles to make the tiers more stable.  It doesn't have to go anywhere, but it shouldn't be sloshy.  Main thing I can't decide is pan sizes!


I have two 12" pans that are 2" deep, so I was assuming I'd use them for the base.  This lady appears to have done a narrower size for a bunch of layers (3?) to get height then come in with a couple narrower on top.  What that did for her was give her the height for her "As You Wish" scrolling chocolate thing that is so beautiful.  If I go 12, 8, 6, each with 2 layers per tier, where would I put the As You Wish thing?  Maybe it would be better to do 3 layers for each tier and do two tiers like she did instead of 3?  Maybe 3 layers is more sort of regal?  I liked the idea of the three kinds of cake, but that's not a must.  


And then, how do the widths of the tiers affect the aesthetics of the hill?  Is it better to have a narrower change so you get the tall hill, valley, falling effect?  My dh suggested 12, 10, 8 for the tiers.  Is that crazy?  Again though, going three layers would add to the vertical of the hill.


I'm expecting 11 people, but they'll stay enough days that I want cake for 30.  So while I don't want to go crazy, I don't think it's too much cake in any of these iterations, not when it will be three types, compelling people to try them all.   :lol:


So what do you think?  What size pans for the tiers?  And how tall for the tiers?  


Adding, I have a 16 candle to put on top (imaginative, I know, lol) and some candles to go around the edges.  I'm thinking that means I can't put the chocolate script on the top of the cake.  That's what I couldn't figure out, where to put it.  Any experience or opinions on this?  :)

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the only suggestion I have is to do a pourable white chocolate ganache -- research it-- for the frosting-- it will be an easy way to make it smooth

Oh dude, that's an INSANELY yummy suggesting!!!  Definitely didn't want to mess around with fondant.  So what flavors would that be good over?  Would I crumb coat with something else and then pour the white chocolate ganache over?  I was assuming my three cakes would be carrot with cream cheese filling, chocolate with raspberry filling, and yellow with raspberry filling.  A few years back I made this insanely good white cake I found online where you doctored a box.  I just hate using box mixes because of the aluminum, sigh.  Anyways, favorite flavors with the white chocolate ganache?  If you narrowed it down to two?

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As I'm looking at the pictures more (sorry I couldn't direct link, you have to scroll down the blog post), it almost looks like she used three pans of decreasing sizes and just slathered the whole thing with frosting.  And maybe her pans were 3" instead of two, so each defacto tier is a single layer of 3" rather than a double layer of 2" for 4"?  


It's just hard for me to tell what is sloppy and what is actual pan differences.  So the words are on one side, the hill on the opposite....

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Are you going to have him scaling up one side from his little boat and then falling down the other? Perhaps she silk be mud in quicksand to get waist at the top? Sorry I'm no help with the practicalities, but boy it sounds delicious!

That's hilarious!!  Love it!!


I'd also guess she did 2 layers of each size. I'd go with smaller pans, steeper layers.

Ok, I hadn't thought of it that way, but it makes sense!  (steepness)

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