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National Latin Exam - Updated With New Question

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DD will be about halfway through MP Second Form Latin when she takes the NLE, Intro level, next spring. What additional resources would you use to prepare your child for the NLE at this level?


Update:  So I went on the NLE site and looked at their Intro exam.  OMG!  That looks so hard for an intro Latin test!  DD is about two-thirds of the way through First Form Latin, and Memoria Press says that after Second Form Latin a student will be able to tackle the NLE Intro test.  I guess I am disbelieving; it seems like so much.  So, opinions fro the Hive, please.  Will Second Form Latin really prepare DD for the NLE?

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DD will be about halfway through MP Second Form Latin when she takes the NLE, Intro level, next spring. What additional resources would you use to prepare your child for the NLE at this level?



The NLE has many years of old exams on their site.  I'd use these to review.  Usually the biggest hole for the Intro exam is the culture stuff, so I'd be sure to review that.

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We used the old NLE exams, this website about all things Roman, generic map practice, and the history from Lively Latin 1 and 2.  


Also, the syllabus that NLE provides is very accurate. 


We took our exams this week and it felt like a celebration--all these years of learning Latin on our own and I could finally prove that we had learned something.  


It was nice to have some external validation....




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How do you determine which NLE you sign up for, based on what you have been studying?  Can anyone sign up for the intro exam?  I am wondering if it would be best to wait a year after third form?  The culture stuff actually looked easy; it was the Latin that was difficult, and DD is doing extremely well (A) on MP's quizzes and tests.

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I decided what test to sign up for based comparing the syllabi given on the NLE website with our curriculums.  I could see that Lively Latin 1 and 2 would get us mostly well equipped for the Intro test if we did just a bit more research.  I could see that if we got to Wheelock's chapter 20 or so (out of 40) that we would be competent for the Latin 1 test as long as we made sure to look up everything on the syllabus.  There were a few things we needed to add in from our Wheelock's study, but that was easily done.   Although we had not gone past Wheelock's chapter 22, we went ahead and did the Latin 2 test as well this spring.  I don't feel like we were 100% prepared for the Latin 2 exam, but if I had put in just a couple more days and paid better attention to the syllabus, we would have been fine.  As it stands, I think I came out of the Latin 2 only missing a handful of questions.  


Hope that helps.  It really just comes down to cross referencing your chosen curriculum with their syllabi.


And yes, anyone can sign up for a test.  


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How do you determine which NLE you sign up for, based on what you have been studying?  Can anyone sign up for the intro exam?  I am wondering if it would be best to wait a year after third form?  The culture stuff actually looked easy; it was the Latin that was difficult, and DD is doing extremely well (A) on MP's quizzes and tests.


Anyone can sign up for the intro exam.  I believe the intro exam is the only one they will let students repeat from one year to the next.

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