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Pleasant surprises from AoPS Prealgebra...

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DD attends PS.  We are afterschooling with AoPS Prealgebra.  It has been a fabulous, eye-opening mathematical experience for both of us.



What I didn't know was that it would teach her...



How to read and interact with a textbook.  It makes me think of Ruth's post from a couple of years ago.  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/467812-developing-advanced-reading-skills/


How to talk to herself through a problem, ask herself questions and then exclaim, "Oh yeah!  I got it!  I got it!"


How to doodle freely.  She is my ViHart girl.  Her notes taken at school concern her teachers, even though she gets high marks.  She draws entire scenes in the margins while the teacher is lecturing.  Amazing, amazing stuff, and almost always related to the subject at hand, but it makes teachers wonder how she could possibly be listening and focusing.  I let her write in the AoPS book in any way she feels will help her.


How to teach herself - and understand why that is important.  She is now learning the beauty in using available resources to make a subject come alive for her.


For someone who is attending a brick and mortar school, she is receiving gifts through one math program that I never even considered.


Just had to share!




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Your dd sounds lovely.  But why are her teachers reading her notes?  (I don't remember my teachers ever reading my lecture notes.)  Good for her for doodling!


(And congrats to your ds, the Rubik's cube champ!  What is that like?)


Thank you. :)


DD's teacher does notebook checks.  She is only in 6th grade.


Ah - the Rubik's Cube World!  It's fun and interesting.  DS has had a blast being surrounded by like-minded kids.  Unfortunately, he will be in Japan over the summer and won't be able to defend his title.  He's bummed about that!

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She draws entire scenes in the margins while the teacher is lecturing.  Amazing, amazing stuff, and almost always related to the subject at hand, but it makes teachers wonder how she could possibly be listening and focusing.  


My 10 year-old also does this.  You would think she's not paying attention, but she hears everything that's going on.


That pre algebra book was awesome.  I worked through it with my daughter and (embarrassingly) *I* learned a ton.  It explains things very well.  If I had some extra money, I would buy the algebra books just to have for a reference and to work through some more difficult problems with the kids.  If my son (the 12 yro) can finish up Lial's BCM in a reasonable time, I'm going to have him spend a year with the AOPS Prealgebra book.

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