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Uzinggo vs Adaptive Curriculum vs PLATO (Middle School)

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Does anyone have thoughts on any of these science options? All three are available through HSBC. This would be for 4th and/or 7th grade. DH and I are scientists, and up to this point we've been doing science regularly but informally.


Also, I'm not entirely clear on the difference between Uzinggo and Adapative Curriculum, so if anyone has insight I'd love to hear it. From what I've read, AC is quite a bit cheaper and can be used for multiple students, but the teacher/parent has to sequence activities. Uzinggo is more expensive and a subscription is good for only one student, but is sequenced automatically.

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We did a free trial of Uzinggo. I can't remember what it was exactly that bugged me, but I found it annoying and difficult. I would have loved for it to work well.


I used Plato years ago with my older girls, but I know it has changed since then. It was okay, but not great. I think I'll request a trial of it and see how it has changed.

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I have been wondering this too, specifically about Uzinggo and Adaptive Curriculum. The content, apparently, is the same. It looks like Uzinggo is ready to use and it rewards students with games? Adaptive Curriculum has to be set up by the teacher and no rewards.


I don't know which one would suit my daughter's needs better. She would be using it as a supplement to her school science class as well as a for fun at home supplement. Is it possible in Uzinggo to pick a particular unit to do or is the student subjected to follow a set path?

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My ds used Uzinggo last year and enjoyed it. Some things were buggy, especially the avatar rewards, which was frustrating for my son. They were very responsive when we contacted them via email, but didn't fix the issues at the time. I have no idea if they've been fixed since. It was a good supplement and I'd use it again. My son followed the suggested path, but I'm pretty sure you could jump around.

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Thanks for all of your thoughts!


There doesn't appear to be a trial for PLATO. I've tried to get a Uzinggo trial and the website won't process it. AC has refused to give me a trial. They say I had a trial in the past, which is plausible, but I have no memory of it. Oh well, their loss.

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Plato was frustrating because of the embedded quizzes that required you to get 100% or you would have to watch the whole lesson over again and then re-test. The tests would only be 3 or so questions long and so you would have to re-do a ton of work for one missed question. I can't remember if I figured out a way around that or not (if I could manually override it) but the whole process made ds hate Plato even though he actually liked the lessons themselves.

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Plato was frustrating because of the embedded quizzes that required you to get 100% or you would have to watch the whole lesson over again and then re-test.


Thanks for the heads up!  I asked HSBC, and they said they haven't had any complaints about this particular issue.  I'll contact PLATO directly and see what they say about it.


Adaptive Curriculum did agree to reset my trial, and I did finally manage to get into Uzinggo as well.  Try requesting a student trial, and it should go through just fine.


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