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video based, structured biology course for advanced 8th grader??

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I posted about this in the high school forum but I am reposting here because a solid advanced middle school course would work well too.

I am looking for a video based science course for my son for 8th. Preferably Biology, but Physics would be okay He prefers live classes, if possilbe.


Here's what I am looking at 


1) The Potter School--not secular, unfortunately, but otherwise looks good (I am looking at their MS Advanced Life Science

2) BYU Biology 041--A high school course, but a general introduction. Not live. https://is.byu.edu/site/courses/description.cfm?title=BIOL-041-200

3) Derek Owens Physics--we are using his Physical Science now--not live, but good. My son is not good about keeping on track due to numerous other challenging classes on his plate. We may continue with his classes. DS likes him, but finds him a bit dry.

4)  Thinkwell--i really like this one, but it's probably too advanced.


Advice appreciated!!

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Have you looked at the "Homeshool High School Biology" thread that is pinned on the high school board? It may give you some suggestions that you haven't considered it bring some clarification to some of yor top picks. We are doing Biology this year in 7th grade, but my DD13 actually preferred ABeka high school biology to others (some middle school level, some high school level) that we looked at. She specifically didn't want an online class, so I can't help much there. She has enjoyed ABeka Biology tremendously, but we will go a different route for next year. I'm not much help, but check it the other thread. It should help a TON.

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Have you looked at the "Homeshool High School Biology" thread that is pinned on the high school board? It may give you some suggestions that you haven't considered it bring some clarification to some of yor top picks. We are doing Biology this year in 7th grade, but my DD13 actually preferred ABeka high school biology to others (some middle school level, some high school level) that we looked at. She specifically didn't want an online class, so I can't help much there. She has enjoyed ABeka Biology tremendously, but we will go a different route for next year. I'm not much help, but check it the other thread. It should help a TON.

Not trying to hijack but I was curious what she loves about ABeka?  Any specifics?


And Halcyon, I agree, have you looked at the pinned thread on the High School board?

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Not trying to hijack but I was curious what she loves about ABeka?  Any specifics?


She just likes the way the material is presented and the amount of information that it gives.  We started in Apologia.  She HATED the wordiness of it.  We moved to BJU middle school Biology next (she is in 7th grade) and she felt like it wasn't giving her enough information.  A biologist homeschool friend of mine ended up giving her 5-6 high school level Biology texts to look at to see which she preferred.  She picked ABeka and Miller-Levine.  Totally NOT what I would have thought she would choose, but she likes the way they read.  She was ready for more, and the middle school level texts weren't giving her that.  These particular texts shoot pretty straight.  She doesn't want fluff.  She wants a lot of information presented efficiently.  ABeka seems to accomplish that, at least for her.  She's happy because she's learning a ton of biology.  I'm happy because she's happy and is doing extremely well in a high school level biology course.  I'm not sure I'm much help except to say that she just prefers the writing style in ABeka.  


And please forgive all the typos upthread.  I was typing it on my phone and didn't see them until now.  Ugh! 

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