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R&S Spelling - 5th or 6th?


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I am looking into switching over to R&S spelling. I really like LOE with the advanced lists, but with my current work situation, I need something more independent for DS. He's in 5th. 


My biggest question would be where to start him? I'm really leaning towards starting him at grade level even though we are half way through the year. I like the workbook for 5th and think he would make the transition easier by using the workbook. I would not speed him through it which means we would still be using the 5th grade book half of next year too. (i know, I know, this is the beauty of homeschooling) However, I have this little nagging doubt about whether to start with the 6th grade book now instead?


So, what say the hive?

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Have you seen the samples? Look at the exercises and ignore the lists. :)


Not knowing much about your DC, I'd go with 5th. 6th is pretty meaty for a spelling book, and the capstone on spelling for my DC.


(The 7 and 8 books are root based vocab, which we found redundant with other subjects we were already doing.)

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With LOE, he does well with the advanced words while we are on each list. However, he sometimes struggles with retention. As we get later in the lessons (he did it when we were using LOE essentials too) all of the different spelling rules start to become overwhelming and he shows more signs of a struggle. 


I am more than ok with using a curriculum behind "grade level" even, if it means better understanding and retention. I had read a few threads that recommended using R&S Spelling ahead of grade level which is what prompted my question. 

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I know nothing about LOE. I own and have used every level of the R&S spelling series with my DC though. The only DC (out of five) that used R&S spelling ahead of grade level were a grade or more ahead in all language arts. They used the book that corresponded to their level rather than age.


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Thank you so much! So in your experience you didn't feel the need to proceed beyond the 6th book? I haven't even looked at the samples for the 7th and 8th grade levers yet. 


The 7 and 8 books change gears. The spelling instruction is turned way down and the primary focus is root based vocab. If you need a vocab course they are very solid books and easy to use. If you're studying Latin and have bookworms that read gobs of classic literature, it will seem redundant. We fall into the latter category, and found we didn't need further spelling instruction after the 6 book. :001_smile:

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Hmmm, I guess I will have to see where were are at that point then. Getting him to read is like pulling teeth. He reads well, just doesn't like to. It might not be a bad idea for us to continue on with the series. Thankful I don't have to figure that out now.  :001_smile:  Thank you so much for your help!

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I'd go with grade level.


The strength of Spelling by Sound and Structure is not in the word lists; it's in the activities for each lesson. No one beats SSS for those. :-)


Beginning at sixth grade, it's a textbook, not a workbook. FYI. I think that's a good thing; children old enough to be doing the sixth grade book should be doing more work on actual paper than in workbooks.

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