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MM2 to CLE 200 mid-year?


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This is something I'm really considering for my ds7. I'm not sure it's the right thing to do though. Math Mammoth is working really well for my dsd8 and so far (a few weeks in lol) for my ds5.


I think he needs more review, more variety and less to look at on a page. I like the style and the simplicity of CLE math and I like the fact that I *could* just order a unit or two and if it actually isn't right, it's not a huge waste. It's very affordable too! We are secular, but from what I've seen, CLE math is fine.


The reason I hesitate is becuase this will be the third math program in as many years :( We went from Miquon to Math Mammoth in September. And I'm not sure where to place him. Looking through the placement tests, I know he should be in CLE 200, but where? Should I start right at the beginning?


Any thoughts?

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Absolutely, please, give the placement tests.  Just start at 100.  If he needs help with an explanation of instructions, do that, but don't help with anything else.  Just see how he does.  If he has gaps, then you can target the gaps specifically.  I would start wherever he places into, but target any gaps from a prior level first.


Now if he places into 200 with no issues in the Level 100 test I would start with 202 instead of 201 since 201 is all review of level 100.  You can easily accelerate the program since there are lots of review questions but I wouldn't really skip whole light units since info in CLE is sometimes presented differently or with a different sequence.  Also, information, mastery and retention are built in small increments over time.  If you skip whole light units of things he has not yet truly mastered and retained then he may flounder in later units.


The program is honestly pretty easy to accelerate once you get used to the format.  Each lesson starts with one or two new things or something already covered but more in depth and the rest of the lesson is review.  Therefore, you could cross off some of the review problems in areas that your child has mastered and combine lessons so he is doing one and a half or even two a day without being overwelmed.  You can also skip the tests/quizzes so you could cover 3 and a half weeks of work in 2 weeks or even less but still cover all the new material and do some review.  


FWIW, I highly recommend the CLE flashcards and reference chart.  The TM is also very helpful, or at least it has been for me.

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If you are fairly certain he should be at the 200 level,  you can always buy 201 and test through it to find any weaknesses.  Once you get into the curriculum, you can skip the 01 LUs.


FWIW, I switched to CLE in the 200 level too and haven't looked back.  It's been great for both of my girls.  ODD had previously tried Saxon in K, then Singapore, then RS.  It wasn't pretty.  CLE = math confidence + no more tears.

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We just switched from MM3 to CLE300 and it has been the best thing ever.  I was so very hesitant to switch mid-year but it was well worth it.  We did start back at 301 but I don't think it was necessary.  Do take the placement test for sure!  They are free on CLE's website.  It will not only help you place him correctly but also let you see where any gaps may be.  You could start by only ordering the teacher manual for the level he places in.  In the back of the manual there are alternative tests.  You could have him take the alternative test for each light unit until he reaches one he does not pass then start at that light unit.  You might be surprised and he may place mid-year and you will be right on track.  Part of the reason for us switching from MM to CLE (besides mastery versus spiral) was I wanted DD1 to have daily fact practice and daily speed drills.  That is the biggest reason I chose to start right at 301.  I want her to spend as much time as possible re-drilling addition and subtraction facts so moving onto 4th grade faster was not a priority for me.

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We stared with MUS, went to MM, and settled on CLE eventually. The spiral has been awesome for my children and it is much less 'busy' than MM and is therefore much easier to get done, for us.


Also, download the scope and sequence for free at their website! It shows what is taught in EACH LU if you bought you could jump in midway.

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Thanks so much everyone :)


I decided to go ahead and do the placement test and he got 47 right on the first level, which places him in the second level. Which is a relief! Many of his errors were in calculations, but also many were in things we haven't done for a long time (such as time and money, hence my feeling we should try a more spiral approach with him).


From what I've read in this thread and around the forums, CLE may be just what we need. I think I will start in 201 (and not do the placement test for 200) and see how it goes. If we can skip, or at least move quickly through the units, then bonus! If he needs to work through them one at a time, well, that's what I want him to do.


You've all made me feel a lot less apprehensive! Will order tomorrow, when their online store reopens. Is ordering right from CLE the best option, as a Canadian, or can I purchase somewhere in Canada to lower shipping? Anyone know?

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Oh, great Tawlas!  I think you have a great plan.  Yes, just start him on 201.  It will target each individual skill/concept that was learned in 100 so if he has any difficulties it will be easy to see where they are and address them.  Did you order the flashcards and TM?  I highly recommend getting the CLE flashcards for 100/200.  They will continue to be used for higher levels as well, so it really is cost effective.  Super helpful.  Targeted flash card work has been so much better than just random piles of flash cards for my kiddos.


Oh, and time and money will be addressed a bit in 200 and will continue to be worked on in 300 so there is plenty of time with this program for him to master these skills.  They are interwoven into the larger picture and returned to fairly often in small doses.

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Give the placement tests and if he tests fairly well, I'd start him mid-year. I switched 2 of mine to CLE this year. The first one, I put her exactly where she tested at. I had my doubts because I felt she wasn't really that far behind, but went all the way back to 3. I think we could have easily started her mid-year or even in the beginning of 4th. It has so much review and is so gentle, that I think I could have helped her through the few gaps she had easily rather than starting at the beginning. My other DD that I switched (after the first had been doing CLE for a few months) started at the same level she was in for MM- beginning 5th. There have been gaps, and she's had problems adjusting to the new style and language, but overall it's been much better. It's easy to explain the gaps and she works on them every day, and is happy that she didn't have to go backwards. 



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