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Recipe for coconut macaroons like you see in stores.


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You know, the ones that are the size of buttermilk biscuits? We used to buy them all the time from Fred Meyer, but we don't live near one anymore. My DH loves them, and I'd love to make him some for Valentine's Day, but all the recipes I've been able to find so far are for the normal-sized ones.


Does anyone have a recipe, or know how to adjust a recipe to yield larger cookies?


This is one of the normal-size ones I found online that looks good: http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Coconut-Macaroons-III/Detail.aspx?soid=recs_recipe_seed

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1/2 C sugar

1 egg

1 1/2 C unsweetened coconut flakes

Pinch salt


Mix all, make pyramids on a silpat and bake at 375 until done.


We've used this one, but with 2 egg whites + vanilla, instead of the entire egg.  Dd says these are even better than the macaroons that are sold at the deli/café where she works. 


I'll have to try it with the egg instead of just the egg whites.  :thumbup:

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You can make them any size with just about any recipe.

Lower your oven temp a bit  (maybe 10 degrees) so they cook a bit slower --to get the insides done without over-browing the outsides.


Likewise a slightly 'drier' recipe would be best so insides are cooked tender and not mushy.


I made some at Christmas (used recipe on bag of Baker's coconut flakes).  I made some big and some bite-sized.  I cooked the bigger ones separately and on a lower temp-- all turned out great-- especially the ones I dipped (bottoms) in chocolate!

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