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Calculating grades

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I'm struggling on how to calculate grades for a class.


There are 44 lessons which I want to grade the following in each lesson:

Vocabulary Quiz 30%

Mapping 30%

Written study note review 40%


That all equals 100%


There are also 9 Chapter Tests and I would like them  to count as 100% on their own.


Is there an online gradebook that will let me do this?

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I'm struggling on how to calculate grades for a class.


There are 44 lessons which I want to grade the following in each lesson:

Vocabulary Quiz 30%

Mapping 30%

Written study note review 40%


That all equals 100%


There are also 9 Chapter Tests and I would like them  to count as 100% on their own.


Is there an online gradebook that will let me do this?


Let me see if I understand.  You want the vocabulary, mapping, and notes to count for half of the grade, and the tests to count for the other half.  Is that right?


If that is what you are saying, the weighting would be vocabulary 15%, mapping 15%, notes 20%, and tests 50%.  


Or do you want the vocabulary, mapping, and notes to count for 1/10 and the tests to count for 9/10?  If that is the case, the vocabulary would be 3%, mapping 3%, notes 4%, and each test would be 10% (or all 9 would be 90%)


This online grade book will do the weighting for you.  There are several others as well.

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EKS  Thanks for that link.  I had tried to use it previously and that is what drove me back to here. 

I was entering the grade in a basic excel file and the grade average is off from my excel to the Engrade file.


I just went back into my Engrade account and changed all the %'s and the grade stays the same.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.



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For the Lessons

Vocab Quiz    30% * grade = A

Mapping         30% * grade = B

Study Notes   40% * grade = C


Lesson Average     A+B+C = D



Generally there are 3 lessons and then a Chapter Test


The Chapter test is graded out of 100.


So, for a chapter grade.  I add up the "D"s


D+D+D+Test and divide by 4 (in this example).   If there are 4 lessons then I have D+D+D+D+test and divide by 5.

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