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Thunderclap headache?


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I believe I had one last night. Before you tell me I probably should see the doc.. yes, I am going to the doc.


However I'd like to know if anyone has experience with this? What, exactly, does a thunderclap headache mean? It was excruciating! It felt like my head wanted to split, literally. I get migraines and this was worse. Not by a whole lot but certainly worse on the pain scale.

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I had that happen a couple months back.  I could not move it hurt so much, I was ready to ask my kids to call 911 because I thought I was having a stroke but I could not talk due to the extreme pain.  I just lay there, holding my head praying for it to end.  Eventually I fell asleep when I woke up the next day it was gone.  I just assumed it was the mother of all migraines (I also get them on a fairly regular basis).

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In all the research I've done on headaches and migraines, I've never heard the term Thunderclap Headache before, so I had to look it up.  This is what Mayo says:




So, it could be something, or it could be nothing.  I'm glad you're going to the doctor.  The last time my husband had a super, super severe migraine, it was actually a carotid artery dissection, which then resulted in a stroke.  (Or maybe it was a super, super severe migraine that caused the dissection.  We don't really know.)  He did have about two others that were that bad in his life, which came and went (so we assume they were just really awful migraines).



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Positive thoughts to Mynel.  I hope everything worked out ok.


PSA for anyone else reading this: If your concern is that your worst headache of your life may represent a spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage (aka "brain bleed") then your best option is to present to your nearest Emergency Department.  To evaluate this you will need at least a non-contrast Head CT (and then possibly a spinal tap and or MRA) which can be accomplished in the ED but will be much more difficult (and usually not possible) in your PCP's office.

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