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Are TM's needed for R&S math?

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I think you could swing without them up til 3rd or 4th grade. That's when some more complicated lessons take place and you might want to use some teaching suggestions from the TM.

But see, the first three grade levels assume that the teacher has taught the concepts (and in first grade especially, that includes the flash cards), with the seatwork just being reinforcement of what was taught. You can teach the child how to do a worksheet, but it isn't the same as teaching first, then assigning seatwork.


Beginning with the 4th grade text, everything the dc need to know to do the lessons is in the student text, and the oral class time becomes optional.

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As cheap as the TM is for Rod and Staff math, I have ordered them as it sounds you are wanting to do. It is true that you could swing it, if you have the time and energy to glance over the work.


I think personally that Rod and Staff is so gentle that it is pretty self-explanatory and a student and teacher can 'feel their way through' without much need at all for a formal lesson, such as flash cards and all, just some simple troubleshooting before and after the worksheet is done.


However, there are certain portions of the worksheets, the extra activities, where only a diagram in the TM can show what the student is expected to do. This has probably been the only time my students have needed me to look something up in the TM, quite honestly.


Glad to see someone else who values this excellent and character-building series!

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