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Life of Fred ?s

Deb in NZ

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I'm considering adding the LoF books to my dc's maths time. We are using MUS & that's a good fit for my dc. My ds#2 has enjoyed using Miquon as well for a different way of approaching maths. If you use LoF to supplement your regular maths curriculum, do you use the LoF books before, after, or during the study of the topic? i.e. Ds#1 is just finishing up MUS Epsilon (fractions). Should I begin him in LoF Fractions as a review or Decimals to go along with MUS Zeta? And how much time does the average daily lesson take? Do you alternate days or assign 2 maths daily? Can someone easily start at the Algebra book or is it better to begin with the Fraction book?



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I love the Life of Fred books!!!


My oldest daughter is using them now as a crash course prep math thingie for the SAT exam in November because they are heavy into word problems and that's what tripped her up on her exam ("If Carla is driving down the road at 40 mph and Sarah leaves an hour later, going 50 mph, how long will it be until they meet?")


She's working through the whole set in addition to her regular math text.


I'm planning on using them with my 14 year old over the summer.


I would start with the Fractions book and then do the Decimals and Percents book and save the Beginning Algebra book for later.


The lessons are short. Each lesson has less than 10 problems. Every 5 lessons, there's a bridge of 10 problems. If they pass the bridge on the first try, they move to the next set of 5 lessons (if that makes sense). And there are only 32 lessons in each book (Fractions and Decimals & Percents).


You could assign the LoF books on Fridays only -- make it sort of like a "Fred Friday" -- in place of a MUS lesson. Or, if they really like math -- and my kids LOVE LoF, even the ones who don't like math!! -- they could do one lesson each day -- which is not alot!


Hope this helps!

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We started with fractions last year. I use it as a supplement and she only does it one day a week. Dd10 is a bit ahead. We started Videotext Algebra last week. We will do 3 lessons of that a week and 1 lesson of LOF decimals and percents and one day review of the Videotext work. When she finishes LOF decimals and percents, I'll order LOF beginning algebra. If I'd known about LOF before we would have started earlier and we would be doing Algebra now.


I think since you are ready for algebra in your "spine" program, it would not be good to start LOF algebra. LOF makes you think. It has lots of word problems. I'd start from Fractions book. Be sure to read the text and the notes/fine print at the bottom of the page. Explanations are everywhere.

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I use MUS and LOF and SIngapore's CWP. It looks like this:


Day 1- watch MUS dvd, do 3 lesson dittos

Day 2- do 3 review dittos

Day 3- do MUS test and 6 problems from CWP

Day 4- Do a chapter in LOF


Note: if ds gets 100% on the first two pages of MUS on days 1 and 2 I don't make him do the third page...it is his incentive to do his best and not be lazy.

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Even though your child is doing fractions now, it's worth getting the LoF Fractions and doing two to three lessons per week. At that rate you will complete it by Christmas. Fifth graders can easily start LoF Fractions. Use LoF Decimals and Percents for the rest of the year. This gives your child a solid, solid base. After Decimals and Percents, jump into Beginning Algebra.


I have to admit while we are loving LoF, we do a large amount of reading from Dover math classics, and other living history/math books. I also "assign" one Saxon lesson per week letting my DD choose one lesson from the four I would have regularly assigned (if we were solely doing Saxon).

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I use MUS and LOF and SIngapore's CWP. It looks like this:


Day 1- watch MUS dvd, do 3 lesson dittos

Day 2- do 3 review dittos

Day 3- do MUS test and 6 problems from CWP

Day 4- Do a chapter in LOF


Note: if ds gets 100% on the first two pages of MUS on days 1 and 2 I don't make him do the third page...it is his incentive to do his best and not be lazy.


What level of Singapore Challenging Word Problems would correspond with Epsilon?

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Rainbow Resource has the books, but if you order from the author the shipping is free and you get an autographed copy (at least we did.) I sent him an e-mail thinking him for the autograph and incredibly fast service (ordered Friday--delivered Monday) and he e-mailed back a very sweet reply. Order from his site if at all possible.

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