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What SonLight Extras Do You Love?


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We love the Classical Kids Collection CDs. There are 2 sets, with titles like, "Beethoven Lives Upstairs" and "Bach come to Call."  My dc have been listening to them since they were pre-school age and still enjoy the stories and music. 


Over the years I've invested in various math manipulatives and extras, some from SL and some from other places. Fraction tiles, junior balance, counting plastic animals, clock face, 3-D geometric shapes, math-U-see manipulatives have all come in very handy over the years and we still pull them out frequently.

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I'll add my vote for mathtacular, we loved it. Or to be accurate, it drives DH and I nuts, BUT ds loves it, which is what counts. The science DVDs are great especially if you are too busy to do experiments. Ds likes those too. If we are having a rough day I can be assured he will cheerfully watch either one.

I like the Come look with me art appreciation books. But tbh ds doesn't much. But he's not that into art.

I also like the colorix crayon-pastels they sell; you can get them elsewhere but SL is where I first heard of them. Every kid who comes over wants to use those and won't touch regular crayons if the Colorix are out.

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