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I'm starting a new diet today...


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wanna join me?


I know...cliche...new years and all. But seriously, I NEED to do this so I'll take whatever motivation comes my way.


I bought & read The Skinny Gut Diet book this week & I went grocery shopping today. I'm going to give it a try.


Anyone else interested???

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I'm with you on the diet (and exercise)! Instead of making a yearly resolution, I'm just focusing on staying on track for the month of January. Just one month at a time. I'm doing a combination of couch 2 5k, with Jillian Michaels Master Your Metabolism, and then Fresh 20 for dinners. I'm also aiming to keep track of everything on My Fitness Pal for the month. Just 31 days: we can do it!!!

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my4cowboys, you'll have to tell me how you like My Fitness Pal. I just bought a new, pretty paper journal. I HAVE to write down what I'm eating or I go off the rails. I wish it wasn't so...I'm in my 40's after all. You'd think I could do this without writing, but....no.

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4ofUs, I have used MyFitnessPal sporadically for about a year, and it does work. I do feel like I evaluate what I eat better, because who wants to have to admit that you ate 800 calories of Gummi Bears in one day? My goal is to honestly enter everything I eat for an entire month. I also like to lurk on their forums occasionally for motivation to keep going.

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