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WWE2 with a 6 year old?


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We were using ELTL1, but switched over to WWE1 about a month ago because I wanted to concentrate more on narration vs. just copywork. I also wanted to spend more time reading contemporary literature selections. Both ELTL1 and WWE1 have been totally fine for my Ker, but I'm looking at WWE2 and it seems like a fairly big jump up. Has anyone used WWE2 with a 6 year old/1st grader? 


We also plan to continue with Rod Staff Spelling (3rd grade next year -- but I am not totally sold on whether spelling is really productive) and to start MCT Island level. I don't know, it just feels like a lot in total for a 6 year old. Anyone have experience with this or other recommendations?



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I started WWE2 with my first grader in the last quarter of first grade  - she was still 6 when I started but fairly close on 7. We had not done WWE1 at all. She has been fine with it. I am not doing the other curricula you mentioned - my DD also does Reasoning and Writing and does her own writing too. Spelling is mostly dictation in a style similar to AAS and she was used to this before starting WWE2.I expect to finish WWE2 in second grade (which she starts in January) and start WWE3 depending how she does through the rest of WWE2.


You can always start it and see how it goes, holding off for a while if it does not go down well.

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I started WWE2 with my first grader in the last quarter of first grade - she was still 6 when I started but fairly close on 7. We had not done WWE1 at all. She has been fine with it. I am not doing the other curricula you mentioned - my DD also does Reasoning and Writing and does her own writing too. Spelling is mostly dictation in a style similar to AAS and she was used to this before starting WWE2.I expect to finish WWE2 in second grade (which she starts in January) and start WWE3 depending how she does through the rest of WWE2.


You can always start it and see how it goes, holding off for a while if it does not go down well.

Thanks. This is very helpful.

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Another option might be to look around for something interesting to alternate weeks with. My 4th graders were getting burned out on WWE4 and I am not in a rush to start WWS in 5th, so I've started swelling in occasional weeks of Kilgallon or free writing. I don't have any specific suggestions for first grade, sorry, but perhaps you could find something different from WWE that would appeal to you and your student.


My plan is to stretch WWE 4 to a year and a half and then do something similar with WWS, using my students's responses to set the pace.


Good luck!

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Ds is 6 and has been doing WWE2 this year for first grade. It has been going really well. In K he was reluctant to write the longer sentences, but is fine with it now in 1st. He does AAS3 for spelling, which has been amazing. He also does FIAR and Bravewriter's Jot it Down.


We have MCT Island scheduled for grade 2 as I felt we had enough LA for grade 1. To introduce grammar gently in the meantime, we read the book Word Fun by Michael Dahl and the Brian Cleary books. We plan to do the Sentence Family just before MCT.

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Thanks, Susan and Eagle. Since we started WWE1 mid-year, we likely won't finish until closer to the middle of first. My son has a January birthday, so he should be close to 7 when we start WWE2. WWE1 has been going really well; I generally have him do the short copywork on the days we do spelling and the longer copywork on the days that we don't. We only school 3 days per week, as my son takes classes at his charter as well (and will likely continue this schedule next year), so I imagine that we will go pretty slowly with WWE2.


We have already read the Brian Cleary books and he often asks to do more grammar (no idea why, but he loves a grammar app that I got for the tablet), hence the idea to start MCT next year. My understanding with MCT is that the actual output required is relatively low at the Island level (please correct me if I am wrong). I just wasn't sure if my expectations were completely unrealistic at this level and was hoping to hear others' experiences. So, as always, thank you all for your thoughts. 



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As for MCT, we have been finding Grammar Island to be low key and enjoyable. We only pull it out once a week and cover a few pages at a time. I would have to check the calendar to find how long it will take at this relaxed pace. DD loves grammar and this has been a good fit. It is high input, low output.


After GI, I intend to do Practice Island by writing one sentence to analyze on the whiteboard 2-3 times per week. We'll start Sentence Island and the language book as well, also at a relaxed pace, and I guess it may take us two years to get through. Looking at the poetry book, I may use that a level behind. DD will be better equipped for that one a bit older and after going through SI.

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We use eltl1 with wwe2 and my son is 6. No problems. He loves the dictation. It brings the punctuation and spelling into the big picture. We did spelling workout a and b last year and it felt like a waste of time. We will be using eltl2 and www3 next year, second grade, at 7. Very happy.

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