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Math Mammoth 3A question


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My daughter just finished MM2b and we are moving on to 3a. She was getting really into the multiplication at the end of 2b and was disappointed to find that 3a started with more addition and subtraction and multiplying didn't start until chapter 2. My question is would it be OK to do chapter 2 first and then go back and do 1? I looked through the chapters and there didn't seem to be anything covered in 1 that would make it impossible to do chapter 2 first but I'm not much of a math person so I wanted to check in here first and make sure I wasn't going to mess things up too bad! :)


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I like to skip around in MM, we don't go through the book in order. In one day my kids might do a page from a multiplication section, a page from a geometry section, and a page from a money section.


Absolutely you can change the order of presentation.


I keep track of what has been done by cutting the top corner off of finished pages in our workbook.

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We always skipped around in Math Mammoth, using post-it bookmarks to keep track of our places. I like to have variety in our lessons, so we would work in several places in the book at once, doing a bit in each section each day. That way I could mix the more fun topics in to balance the important-but-boring, repetitive parts.

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Yes! We skip around too.  We did the first, conceptual multiplication chapter in MM3 first, then we went back and did ch 1, now we're finishing up the multiplication tables chapter, but interleaving it with the Time and Money chapters.  I like to do those chapters interleaved with others, so that she doesn't have a chance to forget the computational stuff while she's working on them.  Plus, I find she can do a lot more in a sitting if she does two different topics.  Sometimes twice as much!

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