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Irlen & Dyslexia Parents..

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Our boy was diagnosed a few years back with Irlen, but it's only recently been discovered just how deep his problems are. We've been given a list of extra helps as well as a new prescription for his special tinted lenses. One of the helps is copying any seat work onto blue paper. 


After settling in for a math lesson today & being so amazed at how much the blue paper & new lenses helped him my boy looked up & said, "I need a Bible with blue pages!" So, I'm on the hunt.. Anyone heard of Bibles with fully coloured pages & normal blank font? I've seen them with the edges tinted here or there, but not the whole page, kwim?


I've seen books designed for people who struggle with Dyslexia that are black pages with white larger font, but I've never seen anything specifically designed for a child with Irlens. Am I missing anything?!

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If the ipad can't do it, you should write Tim Cook at Apple and tell him what you need.  They talk about their accessibility on the iPad, and it seems a perfectly reasonable thing to want to change the page (background) color in iBooks to blue...  Or maybe there's a reader app that does this?  

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My guess would be that if he wants the overlay along with the glasses, then the color of his glasses is not correct. Can you have him rechecked? The place my son goes will rechecked the color for free, but I did have to pay more to have the color of the lenses adjusted.



He doesn't need the overlay too. His glasses will work just fine, but the specialist encouraged us to put everything possible on blue paper. I presumed this was JUST for the time frame in which we didn't have our glasses. However, after rereading her letter {we needed one for the state} it's in the helps for "all the time". So, we picked up a packet of what's called "ocean blue paper", & i ran his current math lesson out on it. He said that while he can see the math lesson on the white pages he can see it even better on the blue paper.


My son's IS is pretty severe. He can't work in a room with natural or artificial light directly on him without getting visual interference. For instance, today we had the lights off & the curtains drawn. There was still a little light, but nothing major. I was able to take my glasses off because I couldn't see with them on, but he was able to see perfectly fine. When, without thinking, I pulled a curtain open, he lost all concentration & told me he was having trouble. I pulled the curtain closed & he was fine.


This isn't "new" to us as the specialist has all ready pinpointed that problem & encouraged us to let him work in dark{er} rooms. Use the blue paper, no writing or copying at all because it's causing too much stress & strain on his brain. He needs to use something like Dragon Speak instead. 


I'm curious if when Irlen releases their overlay app if that would mean it would turn backgrounds on the ipad blue or not. Good idea to write to Apple about it. His ipad has helped him along so so much, but getting things BLUE would be better. :D

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