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I declare today Math Fun Day!

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I'm 34 weeks pregnant, it's cold, and dreary (for Louisiana, don't roll your eyes at me!). I'm tired, impatient, and I've got the blahs. Kids are fine with Khan Academy, Life of Fred, the usual stuff, but I'm feeling...underwhelmed. 

We need something fun to freshen up our routine. D printed out some MEP Reception and I printed some pre-writing sheets for Gemini, and I put together a binder of learning games for the older kids. I also have this list of card games. http://www.deliacreates.com/40-card-games-kids/


I need a fun day! 


Update: I take back. My kids are not fine. One is taking a moment alone to compose himself because he has been bossy and bitchy all morning. Another is crying in his room-loudly  :banghead: - because of some problem with his shoes, or going outside, or not going outside, or...I don't even know. A third is behaving in a generally disruptive fashion and the last is playing LOUDLY and Intently in the direct path of everyone. Not a great start to the day.
I hope this is helps us all feel a little better. 

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Have you done prime numbers? I did a fun activity with my dd on The sieve of Erasthenes for finding the prime numbers under 100. Lots of math practice on the 'worksheet' and they end up generating all of them from 2-99. We made up a song even to memorize them at her insistence. Even the littles can get on board as I used a colander in the sink to help Alex make a 'model.' We put shiny gemstone rocks into the colander and submerged the whole thing in water. Primes are represented by shiny rocks, water is composite numbers...lift (apply the sieve function) and you are left with only primes.


Simplistic yes, but the worksheet is the meat of the activity and it is great fun:)



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Have you done prime numbers? I did a fun activity with my dd on The sieve of Erasthenes for finding the prime numbers under 100. Lots of math practice on the 'worksheet' and they end up generating all of them from 2-99. We made up a song even to memorize them at her insistence. Even the littles can get on board as I used a colander in the sink to help Alex make a 'model.' We put shiny gemstone rocks into the colander and submerged the whole thing in water. Primes are represented by shiny rocks, water is composite numbers...lift (apply the sieve function) and you are left with only primes.


Simplistic yes, but the worksheet is the meat of the activity and it is great fun:)




Yesterday!  Thanks!

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Have you done prime numbers? I did a fun activity with my dd on The sieve of Erasthenes for finding the prime numbers under 100. Lots of math practice on the 'worksheet' and they end up generating all of them from 2-99. We made up a song even to memorize them at her insistence. Even the littles can get on board as I used a colander in the sink to help Alex make a 'model.' We put shiny gemstone rocks into the colander and submerged the whole thing in water. Primes are represented by shiny rocks, water is composite numbers...lift (apply the sieve function) and you are left with only primes.


Simplistic yes, but the worksheet is the meat of the activity and it is great fun:)




You'll be excited to see this mentioned in BA 4C. :-) We had already done it too when we came upon it too!

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