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Maybe posting here will help me with accountability? I started emeals to help me feed 7 folks 3 squares this week.


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Just journaling our experience here because I'd love to read this type of post from anyone else.


While the food amounts wouldn't be enough for all of us with any single plan, I've decided the Paleo (for meat lovers) and the vegetarian (for dh and I) may work.  On a whim I did the lunch (the Paleo lunch is super massively meat heavy!) Tried the breakfast plan as well.  I guess when you pick a Paleo dinner plan it gives you Paleo lunch and breakfast - way too much meat for us I think.


emeals says this is for 1 week, but we will most assuredly go longer with all this food.  A plus is that we'll be trying some things we've never eaten before...like a roast with cabbage, mushrooms and tomatoes - mushroom barley risotto - butter leaf lettuce stuffed with asian flavored veggies and ground turkey - and a jicama salad.


I spent an hour and a half shopping stores with dh - we tried to make it fun and I had help loading, unloading so that's a win by itself!


Whole Foods - $80

Trader Joes - $257


Harris Teeter - $60

I bought 6 pork chops - $22 (5.49 a pound! ouch)

and a roast - $21 (5.99 a pound! ouch)


I should add we were practically out of everything, oils, milk, eggs, frozen fruit, fresh veggies, etc.


Those two meats were budget breakers but I figure they'll provide us with leftovers.  We'll see how this all pans out.  As one who is trying to cut back on meat, buying all that seems counterproductive.  I'm hoping though, that the kids will be more full after a bigger meal of veggies and some meat.  For the olders who are used to a meat, potato, veggie and bread every dinner it has been a rough transition going almost vegan - this is an attempt to bridge the food gap for everyone.


backstory if you care :)

We have 7 in the house - basically feeding 5 adults and 1 child breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Only dh is gone during the day.  As his work is constantly busy, he ends up grabbing something quick and there are few cheap options nearby.


I've been overspending on food, finding myself unprepared for the high food needs and although we've finally conquered the eating out temptation, I've not yet arrived at successful meal planning.  Seems I'm inconsistent or lack the energy to plan and end up going to the store without a list (bad!).  I've gotten so stressed about food issues here I've cried twice.  I'm really hoping I learn something at least - at best we all are satisfied with the offerings, the kitchen stops being a food counter with me acting as sole chef and dh and I can keep to our preferred diet while satisfying the natives :)

With a clear schedule, directions, and a stocked fridge I'm also requiring everyone participate in prep, cooking or cleaning up at each dinner.

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The breakfast and lunch plans are not aligned to any of the meal plans (paleo, low carb, etc).  I love E-meals.  The meal plans really helped me get into a groove of cooking dinner again.  I haven't restarted my membership, but I do go back over my old plans and use meals that we liked.  I'll probably go back.  I'm a horrible meal planner.  I try, but always seem to fail.

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