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Fermentation bucket: where do you buy yours?


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We used to brew beer and wine, if you can find a new shop you may be able to find what you need. 


The trouble (in my view) with a bucket batch is that it is an awful lot to prep, store and eventually refrigerate. Not to mention it is potentially a big loss should something go wrong.


If you are new to fermenting I would highly suggest investing in some Fido jars. They are the easiest and most straightforward way to ferment. The rubber ring about the seal allows for off gassing and does not need to be burped and are less likely to form mold/kahm yeast.

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How do you eat your fermented veggies?


with my mouth?


No, really, I just eat them. I looooove kimchi and sauerkraut etc. I just have some as a snack when I think of it. But mostly my biggest problem is eating it all and having to make more. And my 14 year old loves kimchi as well, so it is often a race to see who gets more.


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Wisementrading company is a great place to buy from. If you scroll down almost to the bottom of this page you'll see the picklemeister which is a less expensive way of fermenting than a Harsch crock. From their website ::


The Picklemeister is easy to use. You simply pack the jar full of your vegetables, add the brine, screw on the lid, insert the air lock, and set it in a cool place (60F-75) for 4-5 days. The Picklemeister includes everything you need to began fermenting your vegetables: a glass jar, a cap with rubber plug and stopper, a double bubble air lock, and a second lid that works as a weight to keep food submerged under the brine. Full instructions, plus a few simple basic recipes are included to get you started. The book Making Sauerkraut and Pickled Vegetables at Home by Klaus Kaufmann and Annelies Schoneck provides a wealth of information on lactic acid fermentation.

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