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Tweezing after laser hair removal ??


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I'm in the process of having part of me lasered (ouch!!). 


The worst part is shaving.  I really hate it.


From what I've read, the laser heats the hair follicle and kills it.  That is why it only works while a hair is present and that is why you can't tweeze BEFORE the treatment.  It seems to me, I should be able to have a treatment and then tweeze all those hairs without messing up the process.


My laser lady says that it is important for the body to "push the hair out" so I can not tweeze.  She says that it won't work if I tweeze.  I feel like she is mistaken.


Anybody have any thoughts??



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If one tweezers, it takes 3 months on average for the hair to grow back depending on what part of the body. That means your next laser treatment will miss the follicle. The hair is what triggers the laser light. In other words, of you tweeze, it will take a whole lot more laser treatments and money to get the same results had you not tweeted. Instead, clip or shave the hairs between laser treatments.

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if you pluck, the follicle will take 6-8 weeks to produce a new hair. There has to be a hair root in the follicle for the laser to work. The laser actually targets the pigment in the hair, so if there's no hair in the follicle, it will miss that follicle.

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if you pluck, the follicle will take 6-8 weeks to produce a new hair. There has to be a hair root in the follicle for the laser to work. The laser actually targets the pigment in the hair, so if there's no hair in the follicle, it will miss that follicle.

Right. So, the hairs that were zapped today are done, right?? I know I can't tweeze the new growth but I don't understand why I can't tweeze the stuff that was just zapped. My next appointment is in 6 weeks so there is time for growth.

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