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A Possible Future Dilemma

Hunter's Moon

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I am finishing up my Associate's degree in General Studies this semester. In January, there is a very strong possibility of DH and I moving to far from public transit, making attending college on campus impossible (we do not have a car). 


I plan to get a Bachelor's in Psychology, and would like to go onto Graduate work. The school I am attending for my Bachelor's offers a B.A. in Psychology fully on campus, fully online, or hybrid. I applied for the online degree for now, but am worried about future Graduate possibilities. 


I am not sure how long we will be without transit (either public or car) so cannot say how long I will be fully online. IF I did have to complete the whole degree online, the Graduate programs wouldn't know without me informing them, as it is the exact same degree as earned on campus. 


However, if I finish it fully online, I will have done no research over the Summer or other internships, and I am strongly considering getting a Graduate degree in Experimental or Cognitive Psychology. 


Should I just put school on hold until I can attend in person, or take classes online? I know many Graduate programs want research and internships more than straight As. 



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It's also going to be pretty hard for your professors to get to know you and know what an awesome student you are if you are online.


I wouldn't put school on hold but I would reserve all your upper-level majors courses for when you have time to take them in person. I would complete every other course required for your degree online -- this should enable you to get a degree relatively quickly when you DO have transportation. 


ETA: I'd also take any core course that is a prerequisite for those upper-level majors courses. I'd also investigate whether they ever offer any of the psych courses as a once-a-week evening class ... sometimes this option is available. 

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I wouldn't stop your education. I'd say go online or hybrid & see what happens. Eventually perhaps you'll find a driving buddy & can carpool. Some programs use a lot of skype so you could still get face to face with professors. 

Perhaps you could rent a car for some days? Save up for taxi?  Pay a neighbour to drive you to some transit depot?  

You would need to do internships/work exp at some point so you'd need to think that through but that might not be for a couple years down the road; is there someone with whom you could stay closer to campus for a couple weeks at a time & just blitz through some experiences? 

Bottom line too is how would you apply your education in the middle of nowhere with no transport? If you're planning to work you're going to need these items at some point anyway... 


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We do not plan on staying in the area for long -- it could be as little as one semester.


The area we will be in is about 30 minutes from the closest college. I would not be able to attend classes, even if they were once a week. Too much depending on others to get me there.


I will have to see if I can pick and choose my courses (i.e. reserve all upper level for when I can get to campus), or if there is a required sequence.

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If it's only going to be a semester I'd definitely wait. 


But I'd still knock out any missing gen eds or any random courses towards a minor. That way when you CAN attend you can focus 100% on your major classes and really blowing your professors away. 

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