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The Teachers Lounge Monday 10-6-2014


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Happy Monday!


I've missed you all so I thought I'd open the Lounge for today. May change the name eventually but this works for now.


How is schooling going? Here, it's fits and spurts. Every time I want to get us on track something derails the train. Last night it was that neither dd nor I slept well or

fell asleep easily. So it's a later start to our day than I'd hoped. Actually, I'm letting dd sleep until 9am. It's been an 'out of routine' weekend already for my Aspie kiddo. 

Today looks to be no exception!


What was for breakfast? Here: left over pancakes and syrup, with a side of Maple glazed ham for me.


What are you looking forward to this week? Here, I have the idea in my head that we're not going to do ANY extracurriculars this week and simply focus on getting

some school done but we'll see how that goes!


Talk to me! :bigear:


PS I may not reply to your posts but I will read them. My shoulder has been really bothering me for about 2.5 days straight and it's even bothersome to type!

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Hi ya, Scrap!


We've had one full week of school.  It went pretty well for the kids.  My health has crashed after one week.  I have no idea how I'm going to get through today.  But oh well.  I guess I'll take it one moment at a time.  


I haven't had breakfast yet but my plan is eggs, bacon and an apple.


I am not looking forward to anything.  (look 3 or 4 sentences above for why.)



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How is schooling going? 

Fine.  We are 8 weeks in.  My biggest problem is finding enough for the youngest two to do.  My 10 year old especially will take one long session and do a weeks worth of lessons.  Then she doesn't want to do any more that week.  Granted I don't want her to be finished with a years worth of work in 3 months. She has 4 co-op classes, a cottage LA class and all our things at home and she is still done.  She's not that smart, just hard working when she wants to be.  My 8th grader who chose to go back to school evidently has no connection to grades.  His are definitely meh.  I have told him that this was his freebie 9weeks.  Next grading period will be better or there will be no electronics or camping.



The girls had cornflakes.  I ate caramel corn.  But I ran first so that cancels it out  :lol: It was leftover from a weekend event.  It's gone now thank goodness.


What are you looking forward to this week? 

I have been overwhelmed with my dad's needs, my kids' needs, my dh's needs.  I would love a minute to breath but....so not happening

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Joy, sounds busy! My kids are 16 and 10 and neither has an ounce of independence it seems. I constantly have to keep on them to get schoolwork done.

Attending to everyone's needs can be exhausting, especially when you neglect your own. Please take time to take care of you or you won't have the energy to 

take care of anyone else. Ask me how I know! :P

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How is schooling going? 


I'm not schooling anyone at home anymore. My son did come home from his college for a quick visit this weekend, though (mostly because this is where we keep the Halloween costume supplies), and he seems to be having a good semester. He's got a couple of mid-terms this week, for which he feels mostly prepared, and he's starting to think about registration for next semester.


My daughter has started her two-year, part-time actor training program in New York and is loving it so far. 


What was for breakfast? Here: left over pancakes and syrup, with a side of Maple glazed ham for me.


I had a banana and a handful of cashews. I wasn't hungry and wouldn't have bothered with that, but I'm starting a new medication that I have to take with food. 


What are you looking forward to this week? Here, I have the idea in my head that we're not going to do ANY extracurriculars this week and simply focus on getting

some school done but we'll see how that goes!


Nothing special this week, really. This coming weekend is Family Weekend at my son's college, but we're not participating this year. The planned events are for Friday and Saturday, but my son will be in dance audition classes all day on Saturday off campus, and I will need to hang around in case he needs anything during the day. So, it doesn't seem worth registering if two of the three of us would have to miss half of the event. Plus, as my son pointed out, it's not like he's going to school hundreds of miles away and we've never seen the campus. We did the family orientation less than two months ago, and he's come home about every two weeks since the beginning of the semester. 


In addition, he has not one or two but three different performances coming up at the end of October/beginning of November, none of which are on the same or even consecutive dates. Since we have a policy of having at least one of the parents at every performance, it means that one or both of us will be making three more trips to see my son at school in the next month.


I'm working a good number of hours this week, between the two part-time jobs, and I'll scoot down to collect my son from campus on Friday afternoon so he can come back and do some gaming with Dad and the RPG group that evening. Then I'll drive him to the dance audition day on Saturday and deliver him back to his dorm that evening. On Sunday, I've volunteered to help video vocal auditions for a friend of his who is doing college and scholarship applications this year. 


I'm sorry for those who aren't feeling well this week!

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