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Broken coccyx


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Has anyone else broken her coccyx during childbirth? My mother and I both did. I used to think that it was a hereditary defect, but my coccyx had previously been broken in a car accident so now I am wondering if it just fractured again at that break point. I am not sure if my mother broke hers before childbirth.


So if your coccyx was broken during childbirth, was it the first break or had you previously broken it?

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I am not sure if it were broke or just out of sorts, but it took me weeks to realize this was the problem I was dealing with after the birth of my 2nd child. Intense pain when sitting and hard chairs or stools were basically impossible to sit on.

And I guess I am not too surprised since babe had a 95th percentile head circumference, was over 10lbs and had sticky shoulders (mild dystosia) that needed the midwife's assistance in easing out....  But I think it was about 2 months after that I finally realized the problem wasn't slow birth healing and managed a few awkward adjustments that set things back into proper (eventually pain-free) placement.


Had another babe later, half a pound bigger than that one, with no issues at all.

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