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I hesitate to post this, but I want opinions from others re: TOG S&S refunds


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I'm new to all of this, and I didn't want to start a new post, but I'd appreciate your opinion:


If I understand this correctly, affiliates used to get credit for any items they purchased (like books) through TOG, but now it's only products specifically produced by Lampstand AND


"Please note: the Share & $ave program is intended to encourage customers to share Tapestry with other families. It is not designed to serve as a 'frequent buyer program' that rewards existing customers for their own purchases. Due solely to our current technical limitations, Share & $ave affiliates are able to receive credit for their own purchases. We plan to change this aspect of the program as soon as our software permits."


I live in Samoa, and there's virtually no homeschoolers down here on my island. So I wouldn't want to sign up as an affiliate except to get some $$ down the road through my own purchases (I don't have a blog/website right now, so that wouldn't be an avenue of getting credit). And on TOG's website, they state that they plan to change this aspect of the program when software permits.


SO...is it even worth it for me to sign up as an affiliate at this point, even though I purchased the Bonus Bundle? Add to that issues of refunds that I don't need to mention here (and don't affect me).


Any insight? :001_huh:



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Yes I would sign up for S&S. The software problem will be fixed, that's a temporary thing. You don't have a blog but you do talk with others virtually, and you can definitely use it for your own purchases. There isn't anything to lose by getting a S&S code. :)


Ok, thanks Jessica. What I meant by the software issue is that the company is trying to change their software so individuals do not use the S & S for their own reward from their own purchases. That's the way I'm understanding what they state on the website. Is that correct? :)


Thank you, though. I will go ahead and sign up. You're right. I have nothing to lose. :)


Blessings to you, young lady. Samoa time is 12:50 am and I'm actually now going to bed!

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I agree with Jessica and maybe you could start a blog, I know I would love to see what life on Samoa is like. :D You don't have to blog about TOG or even homeschooling, just put the link on your blog.


Part of me is afraid I will get consumed by the responsibility of starting (learning the ropes) and maintaining a blog. :001_unsure: My purpose would be 3-fold: 1. As a record of what we've been doing/a way for family & friends to keep up on the latest news 2. Share what life has been like in Samoa 3. Share things on there that might encourage/inspire others


I would need to know the best links that have information on beginning the whole process, but I might have to start a new post or do a search. ;) I have researched it to a point. I guess I don't know the best way for me to go about it. I'm not super techy, but I think I can learn if I put my mind to it. Hmmm. I just want to do it in a smarter way, not a harder way. I'm concerned it'll be too time-consuming, and pull me away from other priorities. But if I can keep my boundaries, I think it would be a blast. :D

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:lol: You go to one of the free blogger sites like blogger or wordpress and open a new account. You type out your post and hit POST. Voíla, you're a blogger. :) It really is simple. For your first post you could tell us about life on Samoa, how you came to be there and when you get comfortable, post some pictures.


For pictures, you can use an online storage place like Flickr or Photobucket or you can just upload photos directly to your blog through your blog editor.


If you do, please post it here because I'd love to read it!

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:lol: You go to one of the free blogger sites like blogger or wordpress and open a new account. You type out your post and hit POST. Voíla, you're a blogger. :) It really is simple. For your first post you could tell us about life on Samoa, how you came to be there and when you get comfortable, post some pictures.


For pictures, you can use an online storage place like Flickr or Photobucket or you can just upload photos directly to your blog through your blog editor.


If you do, please post it here because I'd love to read it!


Oh gosh, can it really be that simple? :lol: And what about all the fun graphics, rotating book list, daily bible verse, miniature school schedule, etc. I want my blog to look cool like yours! :tongue_smilie: Ha Ha!


Ok, well we all have to start somewhere. At least you and Karen have got me thinking about it more seriously. :001_huh:

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you know, it is scary just how simple it is. I always thought it was a big deal, then I was on someone's blog, clicked the little icon at the top of blogger that said start your own blog, and about three clicks later I had a blog! Anyway, it really is simple - I know nothing about computers, and have managed to do quite a lot. And as for getting bogged down (or "blogged down" :)) - I just remember, this is for me, and a chance to share. It is not an obligation I have to others, so I blog when I feel like it, but never feel guilty when I don't have time. Life comes first, live, then blog about it when you have time :)

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what about all the fun graphics, rotating book list, daily bible verse, miniature school schedule, etc. I want my blog to look cool like yours!


All that comes later, there's millions of things you could put on your blog and it's fairly simple. Customized stuff is where it gets difficult. I'm even having someone else do a blog design for me, because it does get difficult if you don't have time to learn CSS/HTML language. :)


Thanks for the props though, I wanted my blog to look like someone else's too in the beginning, and so the cycle goes...

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Whew! OK, sigh of relief...:thumbup1:


I actually went to the blogger site earlier today and read some of the "tutorial" stuff. I think this could work. Although I've been pondering the thought of having Darcy @ Graphically Designing pretty it up a little down the road. I've been thinking on that one a long time. Now to decide on my title. I have a couple in mind. Need to think this through. :001_huh: But thanks! I feel a lot better. :001_smile:

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