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Piano Prodigy Truant now Homeschooled

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Originally titled "They don't know what a gift they've been given".   Title changed for obvious reasons.  lol


It's absolutely absurd that they've been forced to make the decision to homeschool under the circumstances they faced, but hopefully they'll begin to see the benefits and freedoms of homeschooling and create a great learning experience for their daughter. 




Aren't they trying to teach critical thinking skills in schools?  They might want to begin training their administrators and staff.

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That's just sad...and infuriating! They HAVE to homeschool her. Like its the worst choice to make. DUH! What idiots. You have a kid like that, homeschooling her is what you should have done in the first place. World travel, etc...what an education over public school!

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from the article: “We didn’t want to do this. We want to be part of the public school system. Avery has been in public school since kindergarten. She’s a great success story for the schools.â€


So- she got all of her musical training at the public school? :confused1:  If not, IMO, she is simply a success story who happens to go to a public school.


If she DID get all of her ability solely from the school, sign my kids up! :glare:

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We use a public school charter (gasp!) and a good number of kids are athletes or musicians or performers or <something> where homeschooling makes the schedule easier. I am a bit surprised that the family even thought it was possible to stay enrolled in a traditional public school with that type of travel schedule. I don't think it is reasonable to expect a classroom teacher to have to put together materials specially for this kid every time she is out of school and have to deal with grading everything when she got back to class.


I admit I think the parents are the unreasonable ones in this story. They want to have their cake and eat it too.

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LOL   I think that they've just only known public school and can't imagine the joys of homeschooling.   Clearly a lot of what she's already done would be considered homeschooling to us.  Hopefully they'll wake up and realize what a gift their daughter and they have been given.   I am truly surprised that they haven't met other homeschooling families at these music events.  I think it's fairly common.  If they're having trouble with her in middle school it would only become so much more burdensome in high school.

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I am truly surprised that they haven't met other homeschooling families at these music events.

Private school are used to accommodating students traveling for competitions frequently. Some would have offered scholarships to this child. The child miss her school friends and since the school district has a 10 day policy, that means she has not miss much school during all these years from Kinder or her family would have received a truancy letter sooner.


Some school districts allow competitions as excused absences. It's really up to the district how strict they want to be.


There is another thread started on this




The gymnasts all have no problems getting excused to go for regionals. It's really up to the school district. Mine just need an official letter with the info as proof.

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That's just sad...and infuriating! They HAVE to homeschool her. Like its the worst choice to make. DUH! What idiots. You have a kid like that, homeschooling her is what you should have done in the first place. World travel, etc...what an education over public school!

Well, lots of us aren't madly in love with homeschooling. I do it because it is best for my kids. I wish I had other options. So, I feel for them that they can't continue in a school that they were happy with for such a stupid reason.

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I loved homeschooling and the opportunities it provided, but I agree with you Moxie.  It really is unfortunate that the school isn't willing to work with them.   At the same time, if they're unwilling to budge on the 10 days, then I hope that this family creates a homeschool which meets their daughter's needs, both academically and socially.

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Private school are used to accommodating students traveling for competitions frequently. Some would have offered scholarships to this child. The child miss her school friends and since the school district has a 10 day policy, that means she has not miss much school during all these years from Kinder or her family would have received a truancy letter sooner.


Some school districts allow competitions as excused absences. It's really up to the district how strict they want to be.


There is another thread started on this




The gymnasts all have no problems getting excused to go for regionals. It's really up to the school district. Mine just need an official letter with the info as proof.


I had tried searching, but didn't find the existing thread.  Please don't post here, but go to the existing thread linked above.


Thank you and sorry.


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The middle school that booted her is bursting at the seams and part of a fierce redistricting battle with a cruddy, but rather inevitable outcome of zoning us out (not that I care). It's widely seen as the best muddle school in the city. I wondered if their overcrowding might be part of it.

As far as I know, the parents have not reached out to any of the local homeschooling groups. I hope they're finding some new friends for her, but I was greatly bugged by the WaPo's assertion that she's now socially isolated. There's plenty to do with a homeschooler here, folks. If she stays isolated, it's by choice, not the fault of the school.

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