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Where to start in history for a 2nd and 4th grader?

Guest berry987

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Guest berry987

I'm preparing to homeschool three of my children this year (K, 2nd and 4th). My two older kids attended a traditional school for their earlier years and I'm wondering how I should start their history lessons? I was hoping to teach them together and planned to start with Ancient History, but I'm wondering if this is the wrong approach? Should I start them with the recommended time periods for their grades instead? Does anyone have experience or expertise with starting kids "off schedule?" 



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Have you seen the Story of the World series?  Here is an article about combining children:  http://www.welltrainedmind.com/multiple-children/


Here is also an article about starting classical education with an older child:  http://www.welltrainedmind.com/older-child/


History as the center of a curriculum:  http://www.welltrainedmind.com/history-at-the-center/


I would just start at the beginning with Story of the World 1.  You can keep them all together through the series, too (if that's what you want to do).   

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I would start with the Ancients.  I started homeschooling with two 3rd graders and a 6th grader.  We have studied history together since the beginning.  I started with Ancient History and worked our way through.  Our history cycle never quite lined up with the WTM cylce, but it really is just a guideline.  


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Guest berry987

Thanks so much! I'm still reading the Well Trained Child (just bought it 2 days ago) and did buy the Story of the World: Ancients for them already. I just decided to homeschool about 2 weeks ago while on vacation so I've got a lot of catching up to do before we start school next week :) I appreciate the advice! 

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