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How do your small (pocket) pets fit into your homeschool?

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We have four pet rats. The kids sometimes like to have the rats in their laps, on their shoulders, etc. while doing school. Sometimes this works better than other times.


How do you handle school and small pets? Do the animals hang out with the kids during school or must the kids finish their schoolwork before playing with the pets? Are the animals a distraction, a motivator, a reward, a simple companion, or a non-issue in your house?


I'm looking for some new ideas regarding the rats and our homeschool this year, so TIA for your responses!

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We don't have pocket pets, but we do have two dogs and three cats (including a 12-week old kitten, who currently qualifies as a pocket pet but won't for long). They're definitely a distraction at times -- the dogs ask to go out regularly, the cats like to drape themselves over books, and the kitten wants to be held 24/7 and nibble on fingers while doing so. But that's not necessarily a bad thing. The real world is full of distractions, and I think our kids might not get as much of a sense of that because we have so much control over their learning environment. In a classroom, they'd have to deal with misbehaving classmates, teacher interruptions, bells ringing, papers shuffling, and so on. Having a dog put her head on your lap for a snuggle while doing algebra is minor by comparison, and learning how to divide your attention a bit and when/how to prioritize are good lessons.


And if the pets get really annoying, we let the dogs out back and shoo the cats off the desks. :D

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