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Nancy Larson Science - Reviews Please


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I was looking at Nancy Larson's science today at our local homeschool convention, and I am intrigued.  I would love to hear any reviews from people who have actually used the product!  I am going to back tomorrow, and I may purchase it then.  Thank you.

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This past year, we tried NL 3 (with my 8 and 10 year old). This was the first year I actually looked forward to science! It's not that it's a super fun program filled with cool experiments, bc it's not. Her science is very open and go and easy to teach. I love how thorough it is and how she explains science concepts. My kids really did learn a lot of science this year! They were always interested in the lessons, although they would have liked more experiments. So, I say go for it if you want open and go, all supplies included, thorough, interesting science that will easily get done. I think you should not buy it if you want a program based on lots of cool experiments.

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I completely agree with Mary. We did 2 the year before last. This coming year I'm doing 1 with my first grader and 3 with my 4th grader. It's easy to get done because the hard to find materials are included. It's pretty much no prep, which is about the only way science gets done at our house. My oldest really enjoyed it and I did too.

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I switched to using this after trying numerous science programs. This is not science that is done TWTM way, so in case that is important to you, you should know it. TWTM science tends to do one topic a year, 4 year rotation, and go more in-depth throughout the year. NL Science is more a typical 6-week-average (or thereabouts) on a topic and then move on, however, review on terminology tends to be reinforced throughout the year and review vocab cards are included.


Having tried both TWTM way (for 5 years) and then a couple other things and then, finally, NL Science, I am using NL science this year again. For my kids, TWTM way never worked like it was supposed to. NL Science really worked - they didn't complain about doing it, I found the concepts to be explained in an excellent fashion (bad sentence here but am too tired to fix it, so bear with me), and they did seem to remember concepts more than they did using other methods.


Like Saxon Math, it is very scripted, however (like Saxon Math) it is up to you how much of the script you follow.


It's not perfect - some things are too easy and some too difficult, but I have liked it better than many other things we have tried and have found that science now gets done at our house, which is worth a lot.



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I ended up buying it.  I really hope that we like and that it works for our family because I am almost choked on the price.  Science did not get done last year, and I had grand plans about pulling together tons of hands-on stuff for this year.  Our school year begins in less than 2 weeks, and I had not yet started the planning.  I am excited for our box to arrive!

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