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9th Grade? Any holes?

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After a lot of readjusting, I think we've narrowed down 9th grade for dd2. Please take a look and lmk what I'm overlooking. :)

(1 cr) English I: IEW US History Vol I and II, continued grammar and vocabulary, literature from MFW Ancient History plus additional books and discussions assigned by me. Plan to modify some of the US history assignments to Ancient topics, but she just finished a year of modern history, so I also think some review on the topic won't be amiss.

(1 cr) Math: Algebra I, live online course using Saxon. She did Algebra I with TT this year, but I do not feel that she really *understands* what she is doing, or why. So - on to Saxon and a live instructor & if it's an easy math year for her, then that will only grow her confidence in a subject that's long been her nemesis. The goal will be pre-calc and or statistics senior year. She's not a STEM girl here, so I think this will be fine.

(1 cr) Science: Bio I using Apologia with a co-op and Miller Levine at home.

(1 cr) French II

(1cr) Spanish I (her choice to do two languages)

(1 cr) AP Comp Sci Java - she has programming experience and I think she'll love this class. Older sis also taking it, so can assist if/when there are math issues that might pop up

(1 cr) History: MFW Ancients

She has tons of time-consuming extracurriculars in addition to this, so I think this looks pretty solid... But we've changed and shifted so much the past couple of weeks, I'm probably missing something obvious to outside eyes. ;)

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I don't see any obvious gaps; in fact, it looks like a comprehensive plan.





The further the post kept slipping down the page without anyone immediately finding a flaw was a huge affirmation! I feel such relief! She & I can officially stop thinking about it! :lol:


Two kids down - two more to go...  Luckily, the younger two are a lot easier to throw together. :)

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Looks great to me!


You/she won't regret sticking with a foreign language.  (Of course TWO isn't necessary, but good for her!)  Having 3-4 years of a foreign language definitely helped my kids when applying for colleges.  (And some, when applying for scholarships.)



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Her extracurriculars cover PE and Fine Arts credits. She's heavily involved in art/music for the past two years, and we'll incorporate it into her transcript over the next few years, but I didn't want to add it into her transcript this year and make it look watered down, so it'll just be listed with extracurriculars this year. :)


You don't need a PE/Health or a Fine arts credit somewhere down the road?

I'm not saying you should do it all this year.

But maybe you want to spread it about 4 years so you will 'just' need 0.25 credit per year...


Of course you can skip it this year, and do another year more.

It is just the only thing I missed...


Maybe you don't need it, that is possible too...


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After a lot of readjusting, I think we've narrowed down 9th grade for dd2. Please take a look and lmk what I'm overlooking. :)



(1 cr) AP Comp Sci Java - she has programming experience and I think she'll love this class. Older sis also taking it, so can assist if/when there are math issues that might pop up




What resources are you using for AP CS?

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