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Is this too much?

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I have the following for ds who will be 14 and is by most classes a 9th grader.  Here's what I have so far:


Saxon advanced math - 1/2 of the book

Finish BJU online Physical science - start biology bju?

Potter's school English 2 (mostly short stories and essay writing with light grammar)

Potter's school Logic and apologetics (using Cannon press intermediate and introductory logic)


Thinking of adding:

Co-op class involving physical science labs only and a researched based/dialectic discussion history class with the middle ages (which he learned about last year well so it shouldn't be a whole lot of new ideas, just thinking about the ideas deeper)


Latin with First Form Latin (he has done this already also, I am having him do it again so he can start working on foreign language credit)


He is a good worker and can work quickly when he wants to.  He will be participating in the junior high's soccer program also in the fall.  I'm just wondering if this is too much of a load and he really won't learn anything well because there's too much of it.  Considering some of the classes are review/rehashing learned material, is this too ambitious?







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I think FFL 1 would not be enough for a high school credit. There's just not enough reading to compare it with more typical high school Latin texts. I think MP is now offering a high school level class that covers FFL and SFL in one year or you could use their Henle 1 study guide to cover units 1-5. Since he's been through FFL once, I'd take a look at Henle and see if you think it's a good fit.


I think 6 academic credits is fine and a very typical course load for a kid who attends a parochial school. If you need to pare it back, I'd drop the science lab coop if it's too intense and just do the labs on your own. If you need to reduce it further because he's got a heavy math load, I'd hold off on the logic course for later or take it over the summer. MP has a self-paced logic course and they also sell dvds and a test book, so you could do that on your own. Personally, I think the foreign language requirement is more important to tackle early, but ymmv. Another alternative, would be to finish the Physical Science the first semester and then pick up logic the second semester. You could start biology in 10th grade in the fall.

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I was going to count FFL as a 1/2 credit, so in order to get the required 2 years, I would have him do 3 years of the "Form" Latin.  That is an idea though to go through FFL and SFL and skip the co-op.  I am hesitant about the co-op the most since it really doesn't fill any requirements on my part but it is a class with peers and those are few and far between in my neck of the woods.  Henle looks overwhelming to me for some reason.  I'll look at it again.



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